Washington, D.C. 20549





Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the

Securities Exchange Act of 1934


For the month of May, 2024


Commission File Number 1-15106




(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)


Brazilian Petroleum Corporation – PETROBRAS

(Translation of Registrant's name into English)


Avenida Henrique Valadares, 28 – 19th floor 
20241-030 – Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Federative Republic of Brazil

(Address of principal executive office)


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F. 

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Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

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Petrobras financial performance in 1Q24

Main highlights:

  • Consistent results: adjusted EBITDA of US$ 12.1 billion, Operating Cash Flow (FCO) of US$ 9.4 billion and Net profit of US$ 4.8 billion
  • Financial debt at US$ 27.7 billion, the lowest level since 2010. Gross debt is under control at US$61.8 billion, within the range established in our Strategic Plan.
  • Return to society with payment of R$ 68.2 billion in taxes.
  • In line with our commitment to distributing the results generated and the company's financial sustainability, shareholder remuneration for 1Q24 totaled R$ 14.60 billion, including R$ 1.15 billion in share buybacks and R$ 13.45 billion in dividends and interest on capital.
  • Production milestone in Búzios: cumulative production of 1 billion barrels of oil with five platforms: P-74, P-75, P-76, P-77, and Almirante Barroso.
  • High utilization of the refining facilities with value generation: utilization factor reached 92% with a yield of 67% for diesel, jet fuel, and gasoline.
  • Expansion of the offer of more sustainable products: start of marketing of R5 diesel with renewable content and establishment of a partnership for the sale of CAP Pro W asphalt.
  • Acquisition of I-RECs (Renewable Energy Certificates): certifies that all the electricity acquired by Petrobras for the development of its activities has been generated by renewable sources (neutrality of scope 2 emissions in 2023).








This report may contain forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements only reflect expectations of the Company's managers regarding future economic conditions, as well as the Company's performance, financial performance and results, among others. The terms "anticipates", "believes", "expects", "predicts", "intends", "plans", "projects", "objective", "should", and similar terms, which evidently involve risks and uncertainties that may or may not be anticipated by the Company and therefore are not guarantees of future results of the Company's operations that may differ from current expectations. The readers should not rely exclusively on any forward-looking statement contained herein. The Company does not undertake any responsibility to update the presentations and forecasts in the light of new information or its future developments, and the figures reported for 1Q24 onwards are estimates or targets. These indicators do not have standardized meanings and may not be comparable to indicators with a similar description used by others. We provide these indicators because we use them as measures of company performance; they should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for other financial metrics that have been disclosed in accordance with BR GAAP or IFRS. See definitions of Free Cash Flow, Adjusted EBITDA and Net Indebtedness in the Glossary and their reconciliations in the Liquidity and Capital Resources sections, Reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA and Net Indebtedness. Consolidated accounting information in accordance with International Accounting Standard IAS 34 - Interim Financial Reporting, issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and revised by independent auditors.


Main items *

Table 1 – Main items

        Variation (%)
 US$ million 1Q24 4Q23 1Q23 1Q24 X 4Q23 1Q24 X 1Q23
Sales revenues 23,768 27,107 26,771 (12.3) (11.2)
Gross profit 12,257 14,654 14,113 (16.4) (13.2)
Operating expenses (3,273) (6,632) (2,560) (50.6) 27.9
Consolidated net income (loss) attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras 4,782 6,259 7,341 (23.6) (34.9)
Recurring consolidated net income (loss) attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras * 4,816 8,288 7,392 (41.9) (34.8)
Net cash provided by operating activities 9,386 11,669 10,347 (19.6) (9.3)
Free cash flow 6,547 8,073 7,916 (18.9) (17.3)
Adjusted EBITDA 12,127 13,470 13,956 (10.0) (13.1)
Recurring adjusted EBITDA * 12,425 14,985 14,554 (17.1) (14.6)
Gross debt (US$ million) 61,838 62,600 53,349 (1.2) 15.9
Net debt (US$ million) 43,646 44,698 37,588 (2.4) 16.1
Net debt/LTM Adjusted EBITDA ratio 0.86 0.85 0.58 1.2 48.3
Average commercial selling rate for U.S. dollar 4.95 4.95 5.19 (4.6)
Brent crude (US$/bbl) 83.24 84.05 81.27 (1.0) 2.4
Domestic basic oil by-products price (US$/bbl) 96.13 104.30 109.53 (7.8) (12.2)
TRI (total recordable injuries per million men-hour frequency rate) 0.61 0.80 0.77 (23.8) (20.8)
ROCE (Return on Capital Employed) 10.4% 11.2% 15.7% -0,8 p.p. -5,3 p.p.

* See reconciliation of Recurring net income and Adjusted EBITDA in the Special Items section.


Consolidated results

Net revenues

Table 2 – Net revenues by products

        Variation (%)
US$ million 1Q24 4Q23 1Q23 1Q24 X 4Q23 1Q24 X 1Q23
Diesel 7,076 8,685 8,305 (18.5) (14.8)
Gasoline 3,205 3,428 3,694 (6.5) (13.2)
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) 758 784 929 (3.3) (18.4)
Jet fuel 1,184 1,338 1,406 (11.5) (15.8)
Naphtha 427 480 478 (11.0) (10.7)
Fuel oil (including bunker fuel) 344 324 286 6.2 20.3
Other oil products 1,019 1,064 1,084 (4.2) (6.0)
Subtotal oil products 14,013 16,103 16,182 (13.0) (13.4)
Natural gas 1,322 1,325 1,526 (0.2) (13.4)
Crude oil 1,229 1,478 1,350 (16.8) (9.0)
Renewables and nitrogen products 31 32 21 (3.1) 47.6
Revenues from non-exercised rights 140 215 220 (34.9) (36.4)
Electricity 128 234 110 (45.3) 16.4
Services, agency and others 247 262 244 (5.7) 1.2
Total domestic market 17,110 19,649 19,653 (12.9) (12.9)
Exports 6,398 7,260 6,741 (11.9) (5.1)
   Crude oil 4,911 5,202 5,547 (5.6) (11.5)
   Fuel oil (including bunker fuel) 1,322 1,380 1,034 (4.2) 27.9
   Other oil products and other products 165 678 160 (75.7) 3.1
Sales abroad (*) 260 198 377 31.3 (31.0)
Total foreign market 6,658 7,458 7,118 (10.7) (6.5)
Total 23,768 27,107 26,771 (12.3) (11.2)
(*) Sales revenues from operations outside of Brazil, including trading and excluding exports.

In 1Q24, net revenue fell 12% compared to 4Q23, mainly influenced by lower revenue from diesel sales in the domestic market and exports.

The reduction in revenue from oil products in the domestic market was mainly due to lower prices, the seasonality of consumption, the increase in the biodiesel content in the diesel blend and the loss of competitiveness of gasoline to hydrated ethanol.

The lower revenue from the sale of oil on the domestic market resulted from lower sales volumes for Acelen, alongside lower prices.

In 1Q24, there was a drop in export revenues, with lower volume of gasoline exports and lower prices for oil exports. This reduction is mainly attributed to the devaluation of international prices when exports were carried out, to gasoline quality change operations in 4Q23 and maintenance stoppages in the quarter.

* Managerial information (non-revised).


Cost of goods sold *

Table 3 – Cost of goods sold

        Variation (%)
US$ million 1Q24 4Q23 1Q23 1Q24 X 4Q23 1Q24 X 1Q23
Acquisitions (3,508) (4,042) (4,885) (13.2) (28.2)
Crude oil imports (1,881) (2,328) (2,668) (19.2) (29.5)
Oil products imports (1,074) (1,200) (1,811) (10.5) (40.7)
Natural gas imports (553) (514) (406) 7.6 36.2
Production (7,570) (7,961) (7,155) (4.9) 5.8
Crude oil (6,404) (6,568) (6,249) (2.5) 2.5
Production taxes (2,672) (3,338) (2,710) (20.0) (1.4)
Other costs (3,732) (3,230) (3,539) 15.5 5.5
Oil products (701) (832) (440) (15.7) 59.3
Natural gas   (465) (561) (466) (17.1) (0.2)
        Production taxes (125) (121) (92) 3.3 35.9
        Other costs (340) (440) (374) (22.7) (9.1)
Services, electricity, operations abroad and others (433) (450) (618) (3.8) (29.9)
Total (11,511) (12,453) (12,658) (7.6) (9.1)

In 1Q24, lower sales volume was the predominant factor for the reduction in costs of goods sold. There were also lower costs with imports, mainly of oil, and a reduction in the costs of government take in oil production, following the devaluation of prices in the formation of stocks.

Operating expenses

Table 4 – Operating expenses

        Variation (%)
US$ million 1Q24 4Q23 1Q23 1Q24 X 4Q23 1Q24 X 1Q23
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses (1,780) (1,783) (1,578) (0.2) 12.8
Selling expenses (1,333) (1,329) (1,221) 0.3 9.2
Materials, third-party services, freight, rent and other related costs (1,120) (1,146) (1,026) (2.3) 9.2
Depreciation, depletion and amortization (173) (143) (150) 21.0 15.3
Allowance for expected credit losses (10) (8) (21) 25.0 (52.4)
Employee compensation (30) (32) (24) (6.3) 25.0
General and administrative expenses (447) (454) (357) (1.5) 25.2
Employee compensation (292) (289) (229) 1.0 27.5
Materials, third-party services, rent and other related costs (120) (129) (102) (7.0) 17.6
Depreciation, depletion and amortization (35) (36) (26) (2.8) 34.6
Exploration costs (135) (154) (157) (12.3) (14.0)
Research and Development (183) (214) (154) (14.5) 18.8
Other taxes (140) (247) (200) (43.3) (30.0)
Impairment (losses) reversals, net 9 (2,198) (3)
Other income and expenses, net (1,044) (2,036) (468) (48.7) 123.1
Total (3,273) (6,632) (2,560) (50.6) 27.9

In 1Q24, operating expenses reduced 51% compared to 4Q23, mainly reflecting lower impairment expenses and the result from the abandonment of areas that occurred in 4Q23.



Adjusted EBITDA

In 1Q24, Adjusted EBITDA reached US$12.1 billion, 10% lower compared to 4Q23, influenced by lower sales volumes of oil and oil products and the reduction in the price of oil and diesel margins. These effects were partially offset by lower operating expenses, especially the result from the abandonment of areas that occurred in 4Q23.


Financial results

Table 5 – Financial results

        Variation (%)
US$ million 1Q24 4Q23 1Q23 1Q24 X 4Q23 1Q24 X 1Q23
Finance income 552 588 465 (6.1) 18.7
Income from investments and marketable securities (Government Bonds) 432 446 333 (3.1) 29.7
Other finance income 120 142 132 (15.5) (9.1)
Finance expenses (1,072) (1,047) (844) 2.4 27.0
Interest on finance debt (554) (549) (541) 0.9 2.4
Unwinding of discount on lease liability (547) (532) (358) 2.8 52.8
Discount and premium on repurchase of debt securities (2)
Capitalized borrowing costs 376 363 271 3.6 38.7
Unwinding of discount on the provision for decommissioning costs (272) (210) (212) 29.5 28.3
Other finance expenses (75) (117) (4) (35.9) 1775.0
Foreign exchange gains (losses) and indexation charges (1,419) 754 (243) 484.0
Foreign exchange gains (losses) (881) 880 797
Reclassification of hedge accounting to the Statement of Income (697) (773) (1,154) (9.8) (39.6)
Indexation to the Selic interest rate of anticipated dividends and dividends payable (70) 129 (32) 118.8
Legal agreement with Eletrobras - compulsory loans 236
Recoverable taxes inflation indexation income 49 91 64 (46.2) (23.4)
Other foreign exchange gains and indexation charges, net 180 191 82 (5.8) 119.5
Total (1,939) 295 (622) 211.7

In 1Q24, the financial result was negative at US$ 1.9 billion, compared to a positive result of US$ 0.3 billion in 4Q23. This financial result was primarily impacted by the loss from the FX variation of the BRL against the USD, which depreciated by 3.2% in 1Q24 (from R$ 4.84/US$ on 12/31/23 to R$ 5.00/US$ on 03/31/24), and by the absence of revenue from monetary restatement related to the legal agreement with Eletrobras in 4Q23.

Net profit (loss) attributable to Petrobras shareholders

In 1Q24, net profit was US$4.8 billion, compared to US$6.3 billion in 4Q23. This result is mainly attributed to lower sales volumes and a decrease in oil price and diesel margins. Additionally, the result was impacted by worse financial results due to the depreciation of the Brazilian Real against the US Dollar. These effects were partially offset by the reduction in operating expenses and income tax.



Recurring net income attributable to Petrobras shareholders and recurring Adjusted EBITDA

In 1Q24, we did not have a relevant impact from non-recurring items. Excluding such items, net profit would remain at the same level of US$4.8 billion. Meanwhile, Adjusted EBITDA suffered a negative impact of US$0.3 billion, mainly due to losses from contingencies. Excluding this effect, Adjusted EBITDA would have reached US$12.4 billion.


Special items

Table 6 – Special items

        Variation (%)
 US$ million 1Q24 4Q23 1Q23 1Q24 X 4Q23 1Q24 X 1Q23
Net income   4,805 6,282 7,370 (23.5) (34.8)
Non-recurring items (62) (3,071) (77) (98.0) (19.5)
Non-recurring items that do not affect Adjusted EBITDA 236 (1,556) 521 (54.7)
Impairment of assets and investments 26 (2,208) (2)
Gains and losses on disposal / write-offs of assets 162 145 496 11.7 (67.3)
Results from co-participation agreements in bid areas 48 237 27 (79.7) 77.8
Discount and premium on repurchase of debt securities 34
Legal agreement with Eletrobras - compulsory loans 236
Other non-recurring items (298) (1,515) (598) (80.3) (50.2)
Voluntary Separation Plan (2) 2 3
Collective bargaining agreement (3) (211) (98.6)
Amounts recovered from Lava Jato investigation 5 10 89 (50.0) (94.4)
Gains / (losses) on decommissioning of returned/abandoned areas (7) (1,179) (99.4)
Gains / (losses) related to legal proceedings (281) (125) (254) 124.8 10.6
Equalization of expenses - Production Individualization Agreements (10) (12) (17) (16.7) (41.2)
Compensation for the termination of a vessel charter agreement (317)
Export tax on crude oil (102)
Net effect of non-recurring items on IR / CSLL 29 1,042 26 (97.2) 11.5
Recurring net income 4,838 8,311 7,421 (41.8) (34.8)
Shareholders of Petrobras 4,816 8,288 7,392 (41.9) (34.8)
Non-controlling interests 22 23 29 (4.3) (24.1)
Adjusted EBITDA 12,127 13,470 13,956 (10.0) (13.1)
Non-recurring items (298) (1,515) (598) (80.3) (50.2)
Recurring Adjusted EBITDA 12,425 14,985 14,554 (17.1) (14.6)

In management's opinion, the special items presented above, although related to the Company's business, were highlighted as complementary information for a better understanding and evaluation of the result. Such items do not necessarily occur in all periods and are disclosed when relevant.




Table 7 - Capex

        Variação (%)
US$ milhões 1T24 4T23 1T23 1T24 X 4T23 1T24 X 1T23
Exploração & Produção 2,472 2,752 2,040 (10.2) 21.2
Refino, Transporte e Comercialização 362 530 342 (31.7) 5.7
Gás e Energias de Baixo Carbono 108 134 33 (19.7) 227.2
Outros 101 142 67 (28.7) 51.1
Subtotal 3,043 3,558 2,482 (14.5) 22.6
Bônus de assinatura
Total 3,043 3,558 2,482 (14.5) 22.6

In 1Q24, capex totaled US$ 3.0 billion.

In the Exploration and Production segment, capex totaled US$ 2.5 billion, 21% higher than in 1Q23, due to increased investments in the development of major projects that will sustain the production curve over the next few years. In 1Q24, Capex was 10% lower than in 4Q23, mainly due to the postponement of subsea activities and of milestone payments for owned production units. Investments in 1Q24 were mainly concentrated in: (i) the Santos Basin pre-salt (US$ 1.3 billion), with the Búzios and Mero fields standing out; (ii) the Campos Basin pre- and post-salt projects (US$ 0.6 billion), with the Jubarte, Marlim and Raia Manta and Pintada fields standing out; and (iii) exploratory investments (US$ 0.2 billion).

In the Refining, Transportation and Marketing segment, capex totaled US$ 0.36 billion, with emphasis on scheduled refinery stoppages and REPLAN's new HDT. In the Gas and Low Carbon Energy segment, capex totaled US$ 0.10 billion in 1Q24, with the highlight being the Route 3 natural gas processing unit.



Table 8 – Main projects

Unit Start-up FPSO capacity (bbl/day)

Petrobras Actual Investment

US$ bn

Petrobras Total Investment

US$ bn1

Petrobras Stake Status

Mero 3

FPSO Marechal Duque de Caxias (Chartered unit)

2024 180,000 0.33 0.9 38.6% Project in phase of execution with production system in transit to Brazil.  11 wells drilled and 10 completed.

Integrado Parque das Baleias (IPB)

FPSO Maria Quitéria

(Chartered unit)

2025 100,000 0.62 1.9 100% Project in phase of execution with production system under construction. 3 wells drilled and 2 completed.2

Búzios 7

FPSO Almirante Tamandaré (Chartered unit)

2025 225,000 0.59 2.1 88.99%

Project in phase of execution with production system under construction.

7 wells drilled and 5 completed.

Búzios 6

P-78 (Owned unit)

2025 180,000 1.51 4.8 88.99% Project in phase of execution with production system under construction. 5 wells drilled and 3 completed.

Mero 4

FPSO Alexandre de Gusmão

(Chartered unit)

2025 180,000 0.08 1.3 38.6%

Project in phase of execution with production system under construction.

6 wells drilled and 2 completed.

Búzios 8

P-79 (Owned unit)

2026 180,000 1.25 5.1 88.99% Project in phase of execution with production system under construction. 8 wells drilled and 2 completed.

Búzios 9

P-80 (Owned unit)

2026 225,000 0.59 5.4 88.99%

Project in phase of execution with production system under construction.

2 wells drilled and 2 completed.

Búzios 10

P-82 (Owned unit)

2027 225,000 0.53 6.1 88.99%

Project in phase of execution with production system under construction

1 well drilled.

Búzios 11

P-83 (Owned unit)

2027 225,000 0.32 5.5 88.99% Project in phase of execution with production system under construction. 2 wells drilled.

Raia Manta e Raia Pintada


(Non-operated project)

2028 126,000 0.38 2,7 ³ 30% Project in phase of execution.

1 Total investment with the Strategic Plan 2024-28 assumptions and Petrobras work interest (WI). Chartered units leases are not included.

2 Production Unit for revitalization project. Refers only to new wells. The scope of the project also includes the relocation of some wells of the units being decommissioned.

3 It is included investment in the FPSO, contracted on a lump sum turnkey modality, which includes engineering, procurement, construction and installation for the unit. The contractor will also provide FPSO operation and maintenance services during the first year from the start of production.


Liquidity and capital resources[1]

Table 9 - Liquidity and capital resources

US$ million 1Q24 4Q23 1Q23
Adjusted cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of period 17,902 17,272 12,283
Government bonds, bank deposit certificates and time deposits with maturities of more than 3 months at the beginning of period * (5,175) (5,162) (4,287)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of period 12,727 12,110 7,996
Net cash provided by operating activities 9,386 11,669 10,347
Net cash (used in) provided by investing activities (3,324) (3,228) (1,104)
Acquisition of PP&E and intangible assets (2,838) (3,594) (2,423)
Acquisition of equity interests (1) (2) (8)
Proceeds from disposal of assets - Divestment 569 42 1,855
Financial compensation from co-participation agreements 397 391
Divestment (investment) in marketable securities (1,475) 313 (930)
Dividends received 24 13 11
(=) Net cash provided by operating and investing activities 6,062 8,441 9,243
Net cash used in financing activities (7,168) (7,871) (6,973)
Changes in non-controlling interest 93 103 (75)
Net financings (1,599) (1,207) (1,269)
     Proceeds from finance debt 2 910 51
     Repayments (1,601) (2,117) (1,320)
Repayment of lease liability (1,918) (1,792) (1,389)
Dividends paid to shareholders of Petrobras (3,455) (4,436) (4,192)
Share repurchase program (232) (538)
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests (57) (1) (48)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents (74) 47 24
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of period 11,547 12,727 10,290
Government bonds, bank deposit certificates and time deposits with maturities of more than 3 months at the end of period * 6,645 5,175 5,471
Adjusted cash and cash equivalents at the end of period 18,192 17,902 15,761
Reconciliation of Free Cash Flow      
Net cash provided by operating activities 9,386 11,669 10,347
Acquisition of PP&E and intangible assets (2,838) (3,594) (2,423)
Acquisition of equity interests (1) (2) (8)
Free cash flow** 6,547 8,073 7,916

As of March 31, 2024, cash and cash equivalents totaled US$ 11.5 billion and adjusted cash and cash equivalents totaled US$ 18.2 billion.

In 1Q24, cash generated from operating activities reached US$ 9.4 billion and positive free cash flow totaled US$ 6.5 billion. This level of cash generation was used to: (a) shareholders remuneration (US$ 3.5 billion), (b) investments (US$ 2.8 billion), (c) lease liabilities amortization (US$ 1.9 billion), and (d) principal and interest due in the period amortization (US$ 1.6 billion).

* Includes government bonds, bank deposit certificates and time deposits of companies classified as held for sale.

** Free cash flow (FCF) is in accordance with the new Shareholder Remuneration Policy (“Policy”) approved on 07/28/2023 and corresponds to operating cash flow minus acquisitions of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and equity interests. For comparative purposes, figures prior to 2Q23 have been adjusted in accordance with the new Policy.


Debt indicators

As of 03/31/2024, gross debt reached US$ 61.8 billion, a decrease of 1.2% compared to 12/31/2023.

Average maturity went from 11.38 years on 12/31/2023 to 11.30 years on 03/31/2024 and its average cost varied from 6.4% p.a. to 6.5% p.a. over the same period.

The gross debt/adjusted EBITDA ratio reached 1.22x on 03/31/2024 compared to 1.19x on 12/31/2023.

On 03/31/2024, net debt reached US$43.6 billion, a decrease of 2.4% compared to 12/31/2023.


Table 10 – Debt indicators

US$ million 03.31.2024 12.31.2023 Δ % 03.31.2023
Financial Debt 27,738 28,801 (3.7) 29,836
Capital Markets 16,719 17,514 (4.5) 17,011
Banking Market 8,502 8,565 (0.7) 9,741
Development banks 664 698 (4.9) 720
Export Credit Agencies 1,705 1,870 (8.8) 2,201
Others 148 154 (3.9) 163
Finance leases 34,100 33,799 0.9 23,513
Gross debt 61,838 62,600 (1.2) 53,349
Adjusted cash and cash equivalents 18,192 17,902 1.6 15,761
Net debt 43,646 44,698 (2.4) 37,588
Net Debt/(Net Debt + Market Cap) - Leverage 31% 30% 3.3 37%
Average interest rate (% p.a.) 6.5 6.4 1.6 6.5
Weighted average maturity of outstanding debt (years) 11.30 11.38 (0.7) 12.02
Net debt/LTM Adjusted EBITDA ratio 0.86 0.85 1.2 0.58
Gross debt/LTM Adjusted EBITDA ratio 1.22 1.19 2.4 0.82

Results by segment

Exploration and Production

Table 11 – E&P results

        Variation (%)
US$ million 1Q24 4Q23 1Q23 1Q24 X 4Q23 1Q24 X 1Q23
Sales revenues 16,077 18,506 15,730 (13.1) 2.2
Gross profit 9,463 10,909 9,351 (13.3) 1.2
Operating expenses (630) (3,778) (123) (83.3) 412.2
Operating income 8,833 7,131 9,228 23.9 (4.3)
Net income (loss) attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras 5,846 4,734 6,108 23.5 (4.3)
Adjusted EBITDA of the segment 11,182 11,575 10,895 (3.4) 2.6
EBITDA margin of the segment (%)* 70 63 69 7.0 0.3
ROCE (Return on Capital Employed) (%)* 14.3 14.5 18.5 (0.2) (4.2)
Average Brent crude (US$/bbl) 83.24 84.05 81.27 (1.0) 2.4
Production taxes Brazil 2,981 3,255 2,784 (8.4) 7.1
     Royalties 1,871 1,942 1,610 (3.7) 16.2
     Special participation 1,101 1,304 1,162 (15.6) (5.2)
     Retention of areas 9 9 12 (25.0)
 Lifting cost Brazil (US$/boe) 6.04 5.52 5.51 9.4 9.7
        Pre-salt 3.99 3.78 3.71 5.5 7.5
       Deep and ultra-deep post-salt 15.18 12.12 11.45 25.2 32.6
        Onshore and shallow waters 16.35 16.15 14.70 1.3 11.2
 Lifting cost + Leases 8.42 7.79 7.27 8.0 15.8
       Pre-salt 6.28 6.13 5.61 2.4 11.9
       Deep and ultra-deep post-salt 18.47 14.37 12.94 28.5 42.7
       Onshore and shallow waters 16.35 16.15 14.70 1.3 11.2
 Lifting cost + Production taxes 20.05 19.78 19.19 1.3 4.5
 Lifting cost + Production taxes + Leases 22.43 22.05 20.95 1.7 7.0
(*) EBITDA margin and ROCE variations in percentage points.

In 1Q24, E&P gross profit was US$ 9.5 billion, a 13% reduction compared to 4Q23, when the result was US$ 10.9 billion. This reduction was mainly due to lower production in the period and lower Brent prices, partially offset by lower government take.

Operating profit in 1Q24 was US$ 8.8 billion, 24% higher than in 4Q23. This increase is due to higher impairment losses and abandonment provisions, both recorded in the previous quarter.

Regarding government take, there was a reduction in the quarterly comparison (1Q24 vs. 4Q23), explained by the drop in production and the lower price of Brent.

The lifting cost for 1Q24, excluding government take and leasing, was US$ 6.04/boe, representing an increase of 9% compared to the last quarter (US$ 5.52/boe). This increase was mainly influenced by production losses in this period, generated by production stoppages and planned maintenance in the Campos Basin and Santos Basin, as well as the natural decline of mature fields. In addition, there was an increase in costs due to the intensification of subsea inspection and maintenance activities in the Campos Basin and Santos Basin.

In the pre-salt, there was a 6% increase in lifting costs, due to the higher volume of production stoppages and planned maintenance in the period, mainly in the Tupi, Sépia and Sapinhoá fields in the Santos Basin, associated with higher spending on subsea inspections in the Santos Basin.

In the post-salt, there was a 25% increase in lifting costs, due to production stoppages and planned maintenance in the period, mainly in the Marlim Sul, Roncador and Barracuda/Caratinga fields in the Campos Basin, associated with higher spending on subsea inspections in the Campos Basin.

In onshore and shallow water assets, there was a 1% increase in lifting costs, mainly due to the effect of production, due to the higher volume of downtime losses. This effect was mitigated by the reduction in maintenance costs in the quarter.


Refining, Transportation and Marketing

Table 12 – RTM results

        Variation (%) (*)
US$ million 1Q24 4Q23 1Q23 1Q24 X 4Q23 1Q24 X 1Q23
Sales revenues 22,190 25,278 24,842 (12.2) (10.7)
Gross profit (loss) 2,207 2,175 2,974 1.5 (25.8)
Operating expenses (836) (966) (1,178) (13.5) (29.0)
Operating Income 1,371 1,209 1,796 13.4 (23.7)
Net income (loss) attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras 775 711 1,199 9.0 (35.4)
Adjusted EBITDA of the segment 1,994 1,963 2,381 1.6 (16.3)
EBITDA margin of the segment (%) 9 8 10 1 (1)
ROCE (Return on Capital Employed) (%) 5.1 5.6 11.7 (0.5) (6.6)
Refining cost (US$ / barrel) - Brazil 2.63 2.75 2.12 (4.4) 24.1
Domestic basic oil by-products price (US$/bbl) 96.13 104.30 109.53 (7.8) (12.2)
(*) EBITDA margin and ROCE variations in percentage points.

In 1Q24, the gross profit was higher than in 4Q23, mainly due to the effect of inventory turnover: in 1Q24 there was a positive variation in Brent, while in 4Q23 there was a negative variation in Brent. The estimated effect in 1Q24 was a positive US$ 435 million compared to a negative US$ 216 million in 4Q23. Excluding this effect, gross profit would have been US$ 1.8 billion in 1Q24 against US$ 2.4 billion in 4Q23.

There was a lower volume of sales of oil products on the domestic market, mainly diesel, due to the seasonality of consumption and the increase in biodiesel content, and gasoline, due to the seasonality of consumption and the higher competitiveness of ethanol between quarters. There was also a higher volume of oil exports as a result of less processing.

In 1Q24, operating profit was higher than in 4Q23, reflecting higher gross profit and lower operating expenses, mainly impairment in 4Q23.

In 1Q24, the unit cost of refining was 4.4% lower than in 4Q23 due to lower absolute costs, and the highlights were the reductions in materials and services related to maintenance and upkeep, and lower personnel expenses in 1Q24. Throughput was lower in 1Q24 compared to 4Q23, in a period of lower seasonal demand and scheduled maintenance stoppages.


Gas and Low Carbon Energies

Table 13 – G&LCE results

        Variation (%) (*)
US$ million 1Q24 4Q23 1Q23 1Q24 X 4Q23 1Q24 X 1Q23
Sales revenues 2,422 2,859 2,854 (15.3) (15.1)
Gross profit 1,245 1,433 1,387 (13.1) (10.2)
Operating expenses (889) (934) (779) (4.8) 14.1
Operating income 356 499 608 (28.7) (41.4)
Net income (loss) attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras 242 308 388 (21.4) (37.6)
Adjusted EBITDA of the segment 490 715 739 (31.5) (33.7)
EBITDA margin of the segment (%) 20 25 26 (5) (6)
ROCE (Return on Capital Employed) (%) 9.0 10.4 10.7 (1.4) (1.7)
Natural gas sales price - Brazil (US$/bbl) 67.88 62.60 73.27 8.4 (7.4)
Natural gas sales price - Brazil (US$/MMBtu) 11.45 10.56 12.35 8.4 (7.3)
Fixed revenues from power auctions (**) 64.13 89.00 81.68 (27.9) (21.5)
Average price of electricity (US$/MWh) 62.97 67.01 11.66 (6.0) 439.9
(*) EBITDA margin and ROCE variations in percentage points.
(**) The fixed revenue from auctions takes into account the remuneration for thermal availability and inflexible electricity committed in auctions.

Gross profit in 1Q24 was 13% lower than in 4Q23, mainly due to inter-segment revenues with annual commitments in December 2023, as well as lower natural gas sales volumes and the ending of energy contracts during 1Q24.

Operating profit in 1Q24 was 29% lower than in 4Q23, impacted mainly by lower gross profit, which was partially offset by lower operating expenses with impairment.


Reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA

EBITDA is an indicator calculated as the net income for the period plus taxes on profit, net financial result, depreciation and amortization. Petrobras announces EBITDA, as authorized by CVM Resolution 156 of June 2022.

In order to reflect the management view regarding the formation of the company's current business results, EBITDA is also presented adjusted (Adjusted EBITDA) as a result of: results in equity-accounted investments; impairment, reclassification of comprehensive income (loss) due to the disposal of equity-accounted investments, results with co-participation agreement in production fields and gains/losses on disposal/write-offs of assets.

Adjusted EBITDA, reflecting the sum of the last twelve months (Last Twelve Months), also represents an alternative to the company's operating cash generation. This measure is used to calculate the Gross Debt and Net Debt to Adjusted EBITDA metric, helping to evaluate the company's leverage and liquidity.

EBITDA and adjusted EBITDA are not provided for in International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and should not serve as a basis for comparison with those disclosed by other companies and should not be considered as a substitute for any other measure calculated in accordance with IFRS. These measures should be considered in conjunction with other measures and indicators for a better understanding of the company's performance and financial condition.

Table 14 - Reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA

        Variation (%) (*)
US$ million 1Q24 4Q23 1Q23 1Q24 X 4Q23 1Q24 X 1Q23
Net income 4,805 6,282 7,370 (23.5) (34.8)
Net finance income (expense) 1,939 (295) 622 211.7
Income taxes 2,147 1,966 3,596 9.2 (40.3)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 3,362 3,632 2,924 (7.4) 15.0
EBITDA 12,253 11,585 14,512 5.8 (15.6)
Results of equity-accounted investments 93 69 (35) 34.8
Impairment of assets (reversals), net (9) 2,198 3
Results on disposal/write-offs of assets (162) (145) (496) 11.7 (67.3)
Results from co-participation agreements in bid areas (48) (237) (28) (79.7) 71.4
Adjusted EBITDA 12,127 13,470 13,956 (10.0) (13.1)
Adjusted EBITDA margin (%) 51 50 52 1.0 (1.0)
(*) EBITDA Margin variations in percentage points.          

Financial statements

Table 15 - Income statement - Consolidated

US$ million 1Q24 4Q23 1Q23
Sales revenues 23,768 27,107 26,771
Cost of sales (11,511) (12,453) (12,658)
Gross profit 12,257 14,654 14,113
Selling expenses (1,333) (1,329) (1,221)
General and administrative expenses (447) (454) (357)
Exploration costs (135) (154) (157)
Research and development expenses (183) (214) (154)
Other taxes (140) (247) (200)
Impairment (losses) reversals, net 9 (2,198) (3)
Other income and expenses, net (1,044) (2,036) (468)
  (3,273) (6,632) (2,560)
Operating income 8,984 8,022 11,553
Finance income 552 588 465
Finance expenses (1,072) (1,047) (844)
Foreign exchange gains (losses) and inflation indexation charges (1,419) 754 (243)
Net finance income (expense) (1,939) 295 (622)
Results of equity-accounted investments (93) (69) 35
Income before income taxes 6,952 8,248 10,966
Income taxes (2,147) (1,966) (3,596)
Net Income 4,805 6,282 7,370
Net income attributable to:      
     Shareholders of Petrobras 4,782 6,259 7,341
     Non-controlling interests 23 23 29

Table 16 - Statement of financial position – Consolidated

ASSETS - US$ million 03.31.2024 12.31.2023
Current assets 33,219 32,445
Cash and cash equivalents 11,547 12,727
Marketable securities 4,818 2,819
Trade and other receivables 5,041 6,135
Inventories 8,176 7,681
Recoverable taxes 1,541 1,178
Assets classified as held for sale 335 335
Other current assets 1,761 1,570
Non-current assets 180,404 184,622
Long-term receivables 25,992 26,798
Trade and other receivables 1,462 1,847
Marketable securities 1,880 2,409
Judicial deposits 14,821 14,746
Deferred income taxes 1,167 965
Other recoverable taxes 4,417 4,516
Other non-current assets 2,245 2,315
Investments 1,235 1,358
Property, plant and equipment 150,211 153,424
Intangible assets 2,966 3,042
Total assets 213,623 217,067
LIABILITIES - US$ million 03.31.2024 12.31.2023
Current liabilities 30,799 33,860
Trade payables 5,164 4,813
Finance debt 4,914 4,322
Lease liability 7,455 7,200
Taxes payable 4,961 5,466
Dividends payable 20 3,539
Provision for decommissioning costs 2,054 2,032
Employee benefits 2,796 2,932
Liabilities related to assets classified as held for sale 523 541
Other current liabilities 2,912 3,015
Non-current liabilities 100,775 104,232
Finance debt 22,824 24,479
Lease liability 26,645 26,599
Income taxes payable 279 299
Deferred income taxes 10,040 10,910
Employee benefits 15,310 15,579
Provision for legal proceedings 3,369 3,305
Provision for decommissioning costs 20,378 21,171
Other non-current liabilities 1,930 1,890
Shareholders' equity 82,049 78,975
        Attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras 81,590 78,583
Share capital (net of share issuance costs) 107,101 107,101
Capital reserve and capital transactions 178 410
Profit reserves 77,423 72,641
Accumulated other comprehensive deficit (103,112) (101,569)
Attributable to non-controlling interests 459 392
Total liabilities and shareholders´ equity 213,623 217,067

Table 17 - Statement of cash flow – Consolidated

US$ million 1Q24 4Q23 1Q23
Cash flows from operating activities      
Net income for the period 4,805 6,282 7,370
Adjustments for:      
Pension and medical benefits 433 389 370
Results of equity-accounted investments 93 69 (35)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 3,362 3,632 2,924
Impairment of assets (9) 2,198 3
Inventory write down (write-back) to net realizable value (44) (3) (8)
Allowance (reversals) for credit loss on trade and other receivables, net 30 (9) 24
Exploratory expenditure write-offs 50 11 32
Gain on disposal/write-offs of assets (162) (145) (496)
Foreign exchange, indexation and finance charges   1,935 (316) 656
Income taxes 2,147 1,966 3,596
Revision and unwinding of discount on the provision for decommissioning costs 280 1,390 212
Results from co-participation agreements in bid areas (48) (237) (28)
Early termination and cash outflows revision of lease agreements (69) (54) (167)
Losses with legal, administrative and arbitration proceedings, net 281 125 254
Decrease (Increase) in assets      
Trade and other receivables 604 (499) 412
Inventories (627) 432 989
Judicial deposits (288) (623) (403)
Other assets 34 155 111
Increase (Decrease) in liabilities      
Trade payables 407 63 (478)
Other taxes payable (520) (10) (217)
Pension and medical benefits (203) (244) (178)
Provisions for legal proceedings (78) (225) (85)
Other employee benefits (59) 193 35
Provision for decommissioning costs (263) (305) (165)
Other liabilities (82) (198) (101)
Income taxes paid (2,623) (2,368) (4,280)
Net cash provided by operating activities 9,386 11,669 10,347
Cash flows from investing activities      
Acquisition of PP&E and intangible assets (2,838) (3,594) (2,423)
Acquisition of equity interests (1) (2) (8)
Proceeds from disposal of assets - Divestment 569 42 1,855
Financial compensation from co-participation agreements 397 391
Divestment (investment) in marketable securities (1,475) 313 (930)
Dividends received 24 13 11
Net cash (used in) provided by investing activities (3,324) (3,228) (1,104)
Cash flows from financing activities      
Changes in non-controlling interest 93 103 (75)
Financing and loans, net:      
    Proceeds from finance debt 2 910 51
    Repayment of principal - finance debt (1,007) (1,711) (750)
    Repayment of interest - finance debt (594) (406) (570)
    Repayment of lease liability (1,918) (1,792) (1,389)
    Dividends paid to Shareholders of Petrobras (3,455) (4,436) (4,192)
    Share repurchase program  (232) (538)
    Dividends paid to non-controlling interests (57) (1) (48)
Net cash used in financing activities (7,168) (7,871) (6,973)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents (74) 47 24


Net change in cash and cash equivalents (1,180) 617 2,294
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 12,727 12,110 7,996
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 11,547 12,727 10,290

Financial information by business areas

Table 18 - Consolidated income by segment – 1Q24

US$ million E&P RTM Gas and Low Carbon Energies (G&LCE) CORP. ELIMIN. TOTAL
Sales revenues 16,077 22,190 2,422 78 (16,999) 23,768
Intersegments 15,974 303 720 2 (16,999)
Third parties 103 21,887 1,702 76 23,768
Cost of sales (6,614) (19,983) (1,177) (74) 16,337 (11,511)
Gross profit 9,463 2,207 1,245 4 (662) 12,257
Expenses (630) (836) (889) (918) (3,273)
Selling expenses (1) (551) (768) (13) (1,333)
General and administrative expenses (20) (84) (28) (315) (447)
Exploration costs (135) (135)
Research and development expenses (139) (2) (42) (183)
Other taxes (20) (7) (5) (108) (140)
Impairment (losses) reversals, net (4) 13 9
Other income and expenses, net (311) (192) (88) (453) (1,044)
Operating income (loss) 8,833 1,371 356 (914) (662) 8,984
Net finance income (expense) (1,939) (1,939)
Results of equity-accounted investments 17 (130) 21 (1) (93)
Income (loss) before income taxes 8,850 1,241 377 (2,854) (662) 6,952
Income taxes (3,005) (466) (120) 1,218 226 (2,147)
Net income (loss) 5,845 775 257 (1,636) (436) 4,805
Net income (loss) attributable to:            
   Shareholders of Petrobras 5,846 775 242 (1,645) (436) 4,782
   Non-controlling interests (1) 15 9 23



Table 19 - Consolidated income by segment – 1Q23

US$ million E&P RTM Gas and Low Carbon Energies (G&LCE) CORP. ELIMIN. TOTAL
Sales revenues 15,730 24,842 2,854 76 (16,731) 26,771
Intersegments 15,450 474 805 2 (16,731)
Third parties 280 24,368 2,049 74 26,771
Cost of sales (6,379) (21,868) (1,467) (77) 17,133 (12,658)
Gross profit 9,351 2,974 1,387 (1) 402 14,113
Expenses (123) (1,178) (779) (475) (5) (2,560)
Selling expenses (7) (533) (652) (24) (5) (1,221)
General and administrative expenses (16) (78) (15) (248) (357)
Exploration costs (157) (157)
Research and development expenses (124) (2) (1) (27) (154)
Other taxes (18) (106) (9) (67) (200)
Impairment (losses) reversals, net 13 (16) (3)
Other income and expenses, net 186 (443) (102) (109) (468)
Operating income (loss) 9,228 1,796 608 (476) 397 11,553
Net finance income (expense) (622) (622)
Results of equity-accounted investments 17 14 4 35
Income (loss) before income taxes 9,245 1,810 612 (1,098) 397 10,966
Income taxes (3,138) (611) (206) 494 (135) (3,596)
Net income (loss) 6,107 1,199 406 (604) 262 7,370
Net income (loss) attributable to:            
    Shareholders of Petrobras 6,108 1,199 388 (616) 262 7,341
    Non-controlling interests (1) 18 12 29


Table 20 - Quarterly consolidated income by segment – 4Q23

US$ million E&P RTM Gas and Low Carbon Energies (G&LCE) CORP. ELIMIN. TOTAL
Sales revenues 18,506 25,278 2,859 112 (19,648) 27,107
Intersegments 18,381 339 924 4 (19,648)
Third parties 125 24,939 1,935 108 27,107
Cost of sales (7,597) (23,103) (1,426) (115) 19,788 (12,453)
Gross profit 10,909 2,175 1,433 (3) 140 14,654
Expenses (3,778) (966) (934) (954) (6,632)
Selling expenses (1) (577) (739) (12) (1,329)
General and administrative expenses (34) (85) (28) (307) (454)
Exploration costs (154) (154)
Research and development expenses (168) (1) (45) (214)
Other taxes (84) (15) (20) (128) (247)
Impairment (losses) reversals, net (2,009) (108) (81) (2,198)
Other income and expenses, net (1,328) (181) (65) (462) (2,036)
Operating income (loss) 7,131 1,209 499 (957) 140 8,022
Net finance income (expense) 295 295
Results of equity-accounted investments 26 (87) (7) (1) (69)
Income (loss) before income taxes 7,157 1,122 492 (663) 140 8,248
Income taxes (2,425) (411) (170) 1,088 (48) (1,966)
Net income (loss) 4,732 711 322 425 92 6,282
Net income (loss) attributable to:            
   Shareholders of Petrobras 4,734 711 308 414 92 6,259
   Non-controlling interests (2) 14 11 23

Table 21 - Other income and expenses by segment – 1Q24

US$ million E&P RTM Gas and Low Carbon Energies (G&LCE) CORP. ELIMIN. TOTAL
Stoppages for asset maintenance and pre-operating expenses (607) (26) (15) (4) (652)
Pension and medical benefits - retirees (309) (309)
Losses with legal, administrative and arbitration proceedings (84) (96) (4) (97) (281)
Profit sharing (71) (48) (9) (48) (176)
Variable compensation programs (33) (20) (4) (22) (79)
Operating expenses with thermoelectric power plants (66) (66)
Institutional relations and cultural projects (1) (26) (27)
Expenses with contractual fines received (6) (11) (17)
Gains with Commodities Derivatives 5 5
Amounts recovered from Lava Jato investigation 5 5
Ship/take or pay agreements and fines imposed to suppliers 1 13 32 1 47
Results from co-participation agreements in bid areas 48 48
Fines imposed on suppliers 49 3 1 3 56
Early termination and changes to cash flow estimates of leases 67 2 (1) 1 69
Government grants 1 1 76 78
Reimbursements from E&P partnership operations 156 156
Results on disposal/write-offs of assets 137 25 19 (19) 162
Others 31 (49) (31) (14) (63)
  (311) (192) (88) (453) (1,044)

Table 22 - Other income and expenses by segment – 1Q23

US$ million E&P RTM Gas and Low Carbon Energies (G&LCE) CORP. ELIMIN. TOTAL
Stoppages for asset maintenance and pre-operating expenses (477) (5) (10) (7) (499)
Pension and medical benefits - retirees (281) (281)
Gains (losses) with legal, administrative and arbitration proceedings (58) (212) 7 9 (254)
Profit sharing (14) (9) (2) (10) (35)
Variable compensation programs (55) (31) (7) (47) (140)
Operating expenses with thermoelectric power plants (41) (41)
Institutional relations and cultural projects (1) (21) (22)
Expenses with contractual fines received (2) 2 (62) (62)
Gains (losses) with Commodities Derivatives 85 (7) 1 79
Amounts recovered from Lava Jato investigation 89 89
Ship/take or pay agreements and fines imposed to suppliers 1 11 21 33
Results from co-participation agreements in bid areas 28 28
Fines imposed on suppliers 37 4 2 43
Early termination and changes to cash flow estimates of leases 84 81 1 1 167
Government grants 1 103 104
Reimbursements from E&P partnership operations 161 161
Results on disposal/write-offs of assets 507 (11) (7) 7 496
Others (*) (27) (357) 5 45 (334)
  186 (443) (102) (109) (468)
(*) It includes, in the first quarter of 2023, expenses with compensation for the termination of a vessel charter agreement in the amount of US$ 317.

Table 23 - Other income and expenses by segment – 4Q23

US$ million E&P RTM Gas and Low Carbon Energies (G&LCE) CORP. ELIMIN. TOTAL
Stoppages for asset maintenance and pre-operating expenses (518) (6) (15) (5) (544)
Pension and medical benefits - retirees (295) (295)
Losses with legal, administrative and arbitration proceedings (41) (63) (8) (13) (125)
Profit sharing (221) (103) (27) (136) (487)
Variable compensation programs 34 (1) 5 17 55
Operating expenses with thermoelectric power plants (55) (55)
Institutional relations and cultural projects (1) (66) (67)
Expenses with contractual fines received (4) (2) (35) (41)
Gains with Commodities Derivatives 31 31
Amounts recovered from Lava Jato investigation 10 10
Ship/take or pay agreements and fines imposed to suppliers 1 10 88 1 100
Results from co-participation agreements in bid areas 237 237
Fines imposed on suppliers 44 7 3 7 61
Early termination and changes to cash flow estimates of leases 46 7 1 54
Government grants 1 57 58
Reimbursements from E&P partnership operations 141 141
Results on disposal/write-offs of assets 167 (24) 4 (2) 145
Others (1,225) (36) (26) (27) (1,314)
  (1,328) (181) (65) (462) (2,036)

Table 24 - Consolidated assets by segment – 03.31.2024

US$ million E&P RTM Gas and Low Carbon Energies (G&LCE) CORP. AND OTHERS ELIMIN. TOTAL
Total assets 135,702 34,706 7,204 41,622 (5,611) 213,623
Current assets 2,450 11,742 433 24,205 (5,611) 33,219
Non-current assets 133,252 22,964 6,771 17,417 180,404
Long-term receivables 9,088 2,090 81 14,733 25,992
Investments 339 687 153 56 1,235
Property, plant and equipment 121,455 20,052 6,461 2,243 150,211
Operating assets 104,258 17,212 3,927 1,706 127,103
Assets under construction 17,197 2,840 2,534 537 23,108
Intangible assets 2,370 135 76 385 2,966

Table 25 - Consolidated assets by segment – 12.31.2023

US$ million E&P RTM Gas and Low Carbon Energies (G&LCE) CORP. AND OTHERS ELIMIN. TOTAL
Total assets 138,868 34,802 6,776 41,899 (5,278) 217,067
Current assets 2,804 11,002 370 23,547 (5,278) 32,445
Non-current assets 136,064 23,800 6,406 18,352 184,622
Long-term receivables 9,028 2,068 83 15,619 26,798
Investments 344 811 145 58 1,358
Property, plant and equipment 124,254 20,786 6,101 2,283 153,424
Operating assets 108,405 18,128 3,605 1,770 131,908
Assets under construction 15,849 2,658 2,496 513 21,516
Intangible assets 2,438 135 77 392 3,042

Table 26 - Reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA by segment – 1T24

US$ million E&P RTM Gas and Low Carbon Energies (G&LCE) CORP. AND OTHERS ELIMIN. TOTAL
Net income (loss) 5,845 775 257 (1,636) (436) 4,805
Net finance income (expense) 1,939 1,939
Income taxes 3,005 466 120 (1,218) (226) 2,147
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 2,530 648 153 31 3,362
EBITDA 11,380 1,889 530 (884) (662) 12,253
Results of equity-accounted investments (17) 130 (21) 1 93
Impairment of assets (reversals), net 4 (13) (9)
Results on disposal/write-offs of assets (137) (25) (19) 19 (162)
Results from co-participation agreements in bid areas (48) (48)
Adjusted EBITDA 11,182 1,994 490 (877) (662) 12,127

Table 27 - Reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA by segment – 1T23

US$ million E&P RTM Gas and Low Carbon Energies (G&LCE) CORP. AND OTHERS ELIMIN. TOTAL
Net income (loss) 6,107 1,199 406 (604) 262 7,370
Net finance income (expense) 622 622
Income taxes 3,138 611 206 (494) 135 3,596
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 2,215 558 124 27 2,924
EBITDA 11,460 2,368 736 (449) 397 14,512
Results of equity-accounted investments (17) (14) (4) (35)
Impairment of assets (reversals), net (13) 16 3
Results on disposal/write-offs of assets (507) 11 7 (7) (496)
Results from co-participation agreements in bid areas (28) (28)
Adjusted EBITDA 10,895 2,381 739 (456) 397 13,956

Table 28 - Reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA by segment – 4Q23

US$ million E&P RTM Gas and Low Carbon Energies (G&LCE) CORP. AND OTHERS ELIMIN. TOTAL
Net income (loss) 4,732 711 322 425 92 6,282
Net finance income (expense) (295) (295)
Income taxes 2,425 411 170 (1,088) 48 1,966
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 2,839 622 139 32 3,632
EBITDA 9,996 1,744 631 (926) 140 11,585
Results of equity-accounted investments (26) 87 7 1 69
Impairment of assets (reversals), net 2,009 108 81 2,198
Results on disposal/write-offs of assets (167) 24 (4) 2 (145)
Results from co-participation agreements in bid areas (237) (237)
Adjusted EBITDA 11,575 1,963 715 (923) 140 13,470


ACL - Ambiente de Contratação Livre (Free contracting market) in the electricity system.

ACR - Ambiente de Contratação Regulada (Regulated contracting market) in the electricity system.

Adjusted cash and cash equivalents - Sum of cash and cash equivalents and investments in securities in domestic and international markets that have high liquidity, i.e., convertible into cash within 3 months, even if maturity is longer than 12 months, held for the purpose of complying with cash commitments. This measure is not defined under the International Financial Reporting Standards – IFRS and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for cash and cash equivalents computed in accordance with IFRS. It may not be comparable to adjusted cash and cash equivalents of other companies, however management believes that it is an appropriate supplemental measure to assess our liquidity and supports leverage management.

Adjusted EBITDA - Adjusted EBITDA (a non-GAAP measure defined as net income plus net finance income (expense); income taxes; depreciation, depletion and amortization; results in equity-accounted investments; impairment of assets (reversals); results on disposal/write-offs of assets, remeasurement of investment retained with loss of control and reclassification of CTA; and results from co-participation agreements in bid areas).

Adjusted EBITDA margin - Adjusted EBITDA divided by sales revenues.

Basic and diluted earnings (losses) per share - Calculated based on the weighted average number of shares.

CAPEX – Capital Expenditure – investments that encompasses acquisition of property, plant, and equipment, including costs with leasing, intangible assets, investments in subsidiaries and affiliates, costs with geology and geophysics and pre-operating costs.

Consolidated Structured Entities – Entities that have been designated so that voting rights or the like are not the determining factor in deciding who controls the entity. Petrobras has no equity interest in certain structured entities that are consolidated in the Company's financial statements, but control is determined by the power it has over its relevant operating activities. As there is no equity interest, the income from certain consolidated structured entities is attributable to non-controlling shareholders in the income statement, and disregarding the profit or loss attributable to Petrobras shareholders.

CTA – Cumulative translation adjustment – The cumulative amount of exchange variation arising on translation of foreign operations that is recognized in Shareholders’ Equity and will be transferred to profit or loss on the disposal of the investment.

Effect of average cost in the Cost of Sales – In view of the average inventory term of 60 days, the crude oil and oil products international prices movement, as well as foreign exchange effect over imports, production taxes and other factors that impact costs, do not entirely influence the cost of sales in the current period, having their total effects only in the following period.

Free cash flow – Corresponds to operating cash flow minus acquisitions of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and equity interests. Free cash flow is not defined under the IFRS and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for cash and cash equivalents calculated in accordance with IFRS. It may not be comparable to free cash flow of other companies, however management believes that it is an appropriate supplemental measure to assess our liquidity and supports leverage management.

Investments – Capital expenditures based on the cost assumptions and financial methodology adopted in our Business and Management Plan, which include acquisition of PP&E, including expenses with leasing, intangibles assets, investment in investees and other items that do not necessarily qualify as cash flows used in investing activities, primarily geological and geophysical expenses, pre-operating charges, purchase of property, plant and equipment on credit and borrowing costs directly attributable to works in progress.

Leverage – Ratio between the Net Debt and the sum of Net Debt and Shareholders’ Equity. Leverage is not a measure defined in the IFRS and it is possible that it may not be comparable to similar measures reported by other companies, however management believes that it is an appropriate supplemental measure to assess our liquidity.

Lifting Cost - An indicator that represents the lifting cost per barrel of oil equivalent, considering the ratio between production and costs. It includes expenses for the execution and maintenance of production. Costs related to the leasing of third-party platforms, production taxes, and depreciation, depletion, and amortization are not considered in this indicator.

Lifting Cost + Leases - An indicator that includes costs related to the leasing of third-party platforms in the calculation of Lifting Cost. Costs related to production taxes and depreciation, depletion, and amortization are not considered.

Lifting Cost + Production Taxes - An indicator that includes costs related to production taxes in the calculation of Lifting Cost. Costs related to the leasing of third-party platforms and depreciation, depletion, and amortization are not considered.

Lifting Cost + Production Taxes + Leases - An indicator that includes costs related to the leasing of third-party platforms and production taxes in the calculation of Lifting Cost. Costs related to depreciation, depletion, and amortization are not considered.

LTM Adjusted EBITDA - Sum of the last 12 months (Last Twelve Months) of Adjusted EBITDA. This metric is not foreseen in the international accounting standards - IFRS and it is possible that it is not comparable with similar indexes reported by other companies, however Management believes that it is supplementary information to assess liquidity and helps manage leverage. Adjusted EBITDA should be considered in conjunction with other metrics to better understand the Company's liquidity.

OCF - Net Cash provided by (used in) operating activities (operating cash flow), presented in the consolidated cash flow statement.

Net Debt – Gross debt less adjusted cash and cash equivalents. Net debt is not a measure defined in the IFRS and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for total long-term debt calculated in accordance with IFRS. Our calculation of net debt may not be comparable to the calculation of net debt by other companies, however our management believes that net debt is an appropriate supplemental measure that helps investors assess our liquidity and supports leverage management.

Net Income by Business Segment - The information by the company's business segment is prepared based on available financial information that is directly attributable to the segment or that can be allocated on a reasonable basis, being presented by business activities used by the Executive Board to make resource allocation decisions. and performance evaluation. When calculating segmented results, transactions with third parties, including jointly controlled and associated companies, and transfers between business segments are considered. Transactions between business segments are valued at internal transfer prices calculated based on methodologies that take into account market parameters, and these transactions are eliminated, outside the business segments, for the purpose of reconciling the segmented information with the consolidated financial statements of the company. company.

PLD (differences settlement price) - Electricity price in the spot market. Weekly weighed prices per output level (light, medium and heavy), number of hours and related market capacity.

Refining - includes crude oil refining, logistics, transportation, acquisition and export activities, as well as the purchase and sale of petroleum and ethanol products in Brazil and abroad. Additionally, this segment includes the petrochemical area, which includes investments in companies in the petrochemical sector, shale exploration and processing.

ROCE - operating profit after taxes / average capital employed, both measured in US$ on a LTM basis

Operating profit after taxes: Adjusted EBITDA, minus DD&A of assets booked at historical exchange rates and 34% income tax rate.

Average capital employed: quarterly average considering inventories, intangibles and fixed assets at historical exchange rates.

Sales Price of Petroleum in Brazil - Average internal transfer prices from the E&P segment to the Refining segment.

Total net liabilities - Total liability less adjusted cash and cash equivalents.





Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


Date: May 13, 2024



By: /s/ Sergio Caetano Leite


Sergio Caetano Leite

Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer



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