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Rankings de AQSE - Maiores Altas (%) - Hoje

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42 (12%)
103 (31%)
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180 (55%)
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Tempo Real
Maiores Altas (%)
Código Empresa Preço Variação Variação (%) Volume NegóciosChart
Chapel Down Group PlcCDGP.GB Chapel Down Group Plc70,0032,5086,67%7.8643
GCM Resources PlcGCM.GB GCM Resources Plc2,600,8044,44%1.063.91225
Invinity Energy Systems PlcIES Invinity Energy Systems Plc15,254,0035,56%101
Igraine plcKING Igraine plc0,450,07520,00%169.6683
Ormonde Mining PlcORM Ormonde Mining Plc0,180,0320,00%336.5941
Oscillate PlcMUSH Oscillate Plc0,600,1020,00%62.4011
Adnams plcADB Adnams plc1.900,00275,0016,92%1.0702
Watchstone Group PlcWTG Watchstone Group Plc3,500,5016,67%1.1182
Proteome Sciences plcPRM.GB Proteome Sciences plc5,000,6013,64%104.1131
Real Estate Credit Investments PCC LimitedRECI.GB Real Estate Credit Investments PCC Limited125,48512,5411,10%3.2744
GoodwinGDWN.GB Goodwin7.495,00685,0010,06%22
JET2 PLCJET2.GB JET2 PLC1.435,50109,008,22%2.9164
Opg Power Ventures PlcOPG.GB Opg Power Ventures Plc4,4050,3057,44%89.6132
Costain Group PLCCOST.GB Costain Group PLC110,507,507,28%196.26435
Serica Energy PLCSQZ.GB Serica Energy PLC135,008,006,30%52.03822
Empire Metals LimitedEEE.GB Empire Metals Limited11,770,676,04%1.946.45637
Challenger Energy Group PlcCEG.GB Challenger Energy Group Plc9,500,505,56%15.0001
Mears Group PLCMER Mears Group PLC384,2519,255,27%1.2801
Coinsilium Group LimitedCOIN Coinsilium Group Limited3,300,154,76%109.4742
Daniel Thwaites PLCTHW Daniel Thwaites PLC82,503,504,43%2.5001
ECO Buildings Group PlcECOB.GB ECO Buildings Group Plc6,000,254,35%135.9843
Invista Fnd TstSREI.GB Invista Fnd Tst50,802,054,21%26.9455
EDX Medical Group PlcEDX EDX Medical Group Plc14,000,503,70%40.8214
Marula Mining PlcMARU Marula Mining Plc4,000,1253,23%3.635.58739
Topps Tiles PLCTPT.GB Topps Tiles PLC32,001,003,23%17.5694
Jersey Oil and Gas PlcJOG.GB Jersey Oil and Gas Plc67,502,003,05%13.8913
Personal Group Holdings PLCPGH.GB Personal Group Holdings PLC205,006,003,02%4.6924
ArianaAAU.GB Ariana1,950,052,63%37.6031
All Things Considered Group PlcATC All Things Considered Group Plc110,002,502,33%4501
Gaming Realms PlcGMR.GB Gaming Realms Plc37,350,601,63%13.4524
Rockhopper ExplorationRKH.GB Rockhopper Exploration34,000,501,49%143.44123
Reach plcRCH.GB Reach plc82,001,001,23%85.1554
Prospex Energy PlcPXEN.GB Prospex Energy Plc6,350,050,79%51.7922
H & T GroupHAT.GB H & T Group381,003,000,79%6291
Young and Co AYNGA.GB Young and Co A844,604,600,55%213
Redcentric PLCRCN.GB Redcentric PLC120,500,500,42%1.7162
Animalcare Group PLCANCR.GB Animalcare Group PLC223,700,700,31%1881
Conygar Investment CompanyCIC.GB Conygar Investment Company31,500,000,00%0,000
Clean Invest Africa PlcCIA Clean Invest Africa Plc0,050,000,00%0,000
Celebrus Technologies plcCLBS.GB Celebrus Technologies plc222,500,000,00%0,000
Cooks Coffee Company LimitedCOOK Cooks Coffee Company Limited8,500,000,00%0,000
CPP Group PlcCPP.GB CPP Group Plc85,000,000,00%0,000
CohortCHRT.GB Cohort1.200,000,000,00%0,000
Cambridge Cognition Holdings PLCCOG.GB Cambridge Cognition Holdings PLC41,500,000,00%0,000
Chariot LimitedCHAR.GB Chariot Limited1,400,000,00%0,000
Cadogan Energy Solutions PlcCAD.GB Cadogan Energy Solutions Plc5,000,000,00%0,000
Bezant Resources PlcBZT.GB Bezant Resources Plc0,0190,000,00%0,000
BWA Group plcBWAP BWA Group plc0,1750,000,00%0,000
Carclo plcCAR.GB Carclo plc22,000,000,00%0,000
Character Group PLCCCT.GB Character Group PLC265,000,000,00%0,000
Coral Products PLCCRU.GB Coral Products PLC5,250,000,00%0,000
Cardiogeni PlcCGNI Cardiogeni Plc15,000,000,00%0,000
Cloudified Holdings LimitedCHL.GB Cloudified Holdings Limited3,000,000,00%0,000
CQS Natural Resources Growth and Income PlcCYN.GB CQS Natural Resources Growth and Income Plc176,500,000,00%0,000
Eden ResearchEDEN.GB Eden Research3,250,000,00%0,000
Eight Capital Partners PlcECP Eight Capital Partners Plc74,000,000,00%0,000
EKF Diagnostics Holdings PLCEKF.GB EKF Diagnostics Holdings PLC26,000,000,00%0,000
Entain PLCENT.GB Entain PLC596,500,000,00%0,000
Equipmake Holdings PLCEQIP Equipmake Holdings PLC0,800,000,00%0,000
ESO EPIC Private Equity LLPEO.P ESO EPIC Private Equity LLP150,000,000,00%0,000
DXS International PlcDXSP DXS International Plc2,750,000,00%0,000
DillistoneDSG.GB Dillistone8,000,000,00%0,000
DCI Advisors LimitedDCI.GB DCI Advisors Limited5,000,000,00%0,000
Burford Capital LimitedBUR.GB Burford Capital Limited1.015,500,000,00%0,000
Deltic Energy PlcDELT.GB Deltic Energy Plc4,000,000,00%0,000
Distil plcDIS.GB Distil plc0,08250,000,00%0,000
DiscoverIE Group PlcDSCV.GB DiscoverIE Group Plc536,000,000,00%0,000
Dekel Agri-Vision PlcDKL.GB Dekel Agri-Vision Plc1,300,000,00%0,000
Crushmetric Group LimitedCUSH Crushmetric Group Limited12,500,000,00%0,000
Ace Liberty & StoneALSP Ace Liberty & Stone42,500,000,00%0,000
Agriterra LimitedAGTA.GB Agriterra Limited2,000,000,00%0,000
Aferian PlcAFRN.GB Aferian Plc3,000,000,00%0,000
Airea PLCAIEA.GB Airea PLC25,500,000,00%0,000
Alba MinALBA.GB Alba Min0,0110,000,00%0,000
Crism Therapeutics CorpAMC.GB Crism Therapeutics Corp8,000,000,00%0,000
Alina Holdings PlcALNA.GB Alina Holdings Plc8,000,000,00%0,000
Anglo Eastern Plantations plcAEP.GB Anglo Eastern Plantations plc650,000,000,00%0,000
Adsure Services PLCADS Adsure Services PLC27,500,000,00%0,000
S and U PLCSUS.GB S and U PLC1.375,000,000,00%3765
Capital for Colleagues plcCFCP Capital for Colleagues plc57,500,000,00%2011
Speedy Hire PLCSDY.GB Speedy Hire PLC19,000,000,00%39.6048
Begbies Traynor GroupBEG.GB Begbies Traynor Group92,100,000,00%45.4255
Anglo AsianAAZ.GB Anglo Asian110,000,000,00%0,000
Centrica2633ER.GB Centrica260,000,000,00%0,000
Arbuthnot Banking Group PLCARBB Arbuthnot Banking Group PLC900,000,000,00%0,000
Arkle Resources PlcARK.GB Arkle Resources Plc0,2250,000,00%0,000
Botswana Diamond PLCBOD.GB Botswana Diamond PLC0,150,000,00%0,000
Bushveld Minerals LimitedBMN.GB Bushveld Minerals Limited0,350,000,00%0,000
Henry Boot PLCBOOT.GB Henry Boot PLC202,500,000,00%0,000
Borders & Southern PetroleumBOR.GB Borders & Southern Petroleum5,200,000,00%0,000
Black Sea Property PlcBSP Black Sea Property Plc0,000,000,00%0,000
Breedon Group plcBREE.GB Breedon Group plc469,000,000,00%0,000
Anglesey Mining PLCAYM.GB Anglesey Mining PLC0,850,000,00%0,000
Asia Wealth Group Holdings LtdAWLP Asia Wealth Group Holdings Ltd12,500,000,00%0,000
Assetco PlcASTO.GB Assetco Plc0,000,000,00%0,000
Aseana PropASPL.GB Aseana Prop0,000,000,00%0,000
Andrews Sykes Group PLCASY.GB Andrews Sykes Group PLC530,000,000,00%0,000
Amundi Msci Emerging Markets Ucits Etf UsdAUEG.GB Amundi Msci Emerging Markets Ucits Etf Usd0,000,000,00%0,000
Avon Technologies PlcAVON.GB Avon Technologies Plc1.430,000,000,00%0,000
Amundi Msci Emerging Markets Ucits Etf UsdAUEM.GB Amundi Msci Emerging Markets Ucits Etf Usd429,750,000,00%0,000

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