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Rankings de TSXV - Preço x Volume - 1 Mês

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313 (30%)
496 (48%)
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224 (21%)
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Preço x Volume
Código Empresa Preço Variação Variação (%) Volume Médio Chart
Hive Digital Technologies LtdHIVE Hive Digital Technologies Ltd4,90-1,29-20,84%1.155.828
Topicus Com IncTOI Topicus Com Inc110,86-5,28-4,55%30.967
Lumine Group IncLMN Lumine Group Inc42,380,380,90%57.733
Kraken Robotics IncPNG Kraken Robotics Inc2,44-0,02-0,81%997.850
Artemis Gold IncARTG Artemis Gold Inc13,880,594,44%149.380
POET Technologies IncPTK POET Technologies Inc6,951,3023,01%269.142
Quantum Emotion CorpQNC Quantum Emotion Corp0,440,335319,05%4.109.311
The Westaim CorporationWED The Westaim Corporation5,050,214,34%283.817
Neptune Digital Assets CorpNDA Neptune Digital Assets Corp1,070,1921,59%918.358
New Found Gold CorpNFG New Found Gold Corp2,22-0,22-9,02%366.690
Snowline Gold CorpSGD Snowline Gold Corp5,00-0,08-1,57%166.860
Encore Energy CorpEU Encore Energy Corp4,66-0,93-16,64%165.861
Founders Metals IncFDR Founders Metals Inc4,540,143,18%151.767
DMG Blockchain Solutions IncDMGI DMG Blockchain Solutions Inc0,41-0,06-12,77%1.493.310
High Tide IncHITI High Tide Inc4,380,6718,06%141.847
Zedcor IncZDC Zedcor Inc3,30-0,23-6,52%187.100
Sintana Energy IncSEI Sintana Energy Inc1,100,1718,28%489.924
Abra Silver Resource CorpABRA Abra Silver Resource Corp2,34-0,60-20,41%205.897
Montage Gold CorpMAU Montage Gold Corp2,10-0,05-2,33%234.513
Simply Better Brands CorpSBBC Simply Better Brands Corp1,030,2532,05%529.647
Redishred Capital CorpKUT Redishred Capital Corp4,890,5412,41%100.699
NEO Battery Materials LtdNBM NEO Battery Materials Ltd0,62-0,08-11,43%616.026
Blockmate Ventures IncMATE Blockmate Ventures Inc0,2250,14164,71%3.016.380
Standard Lithium LtdSLI Standard Lithium Ltd1,95-0,52-21,05%176.880
Emerita Resources CorpEMO Emerita Resources Corp1,160,5281,25%436.396
Reconnaissance Energy Africa LtdRECO Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd1,070,1516,30%368.132
Lithium Ionic CorpLTH Lithium Ionic Corp0,730,000,00%429.950
West Red Lake Gold Mines LtdWRLG West Red Lake Gold Mines Ltd0,55-0,02-3,51%649.727
Sigma Lithium CorporationSGML Sigma Lithium Corporation15,74-3,96-20,10%19.280
Power Nickel IncPNPN Power Nickel Inc0,880,1418,92%400.781
Alphamin Resources CorpAFM Alphamin Resources Corp1,08-0,14-11,48%301.786
Magna Mining IncNICU Magna Mining Inc1,42-0,09-5,96%227.096
Orogen Royalties IncOGN Orogen Royalties Inc1,29-0,05-3,73%239.742
Bluestone Resources IncBSR Bluestone Resources Inc0,310,013,33%1.046.204
Dolly Varden Silver CorporationDV Dolly Varden Silver Corporation0,92-0,30-24,59%301.547
Lucero Energy CorpLOU Lucero Energy Corp0,4150,000,00%667.732
New Stratus Energy IncNSE New Stratus Energy Inc0,45-0,24-34,78%561.431
American Eagle Gold CorpAE American Eagle Gold Corp0,64-0,22-25,58%334.763
Q2 Metals CorpQTWO Q2 Metals Corp0,76-0,21-21,65%313.328
American Lithium CorpLI American Lithium Corp0,52-0,48-48,00%393.385
Hercules Metals CorpBIG Hercules Metals Corp0,580,059,43%445.237
Rio2 Limited NewRIO Rio2 Limited New0,59-0,07-10,61%417.512
Sparq Systems IncSPRQ Sparq Systems Inc0,770,022,67%364.935
Simply Solventless Concentrates LtdHASH Simply Solventless Concentrates Ltd0,640,1223,08%462.481
Logan Energy CorpLGN Logan Energy Corp0,70-0,07-9,09%332.663
Rusoro Mining LtdRML Rusoro Mining Ltd0,790,1931,67%299.419
Atex Resources IncATX Atex Resources Inc1,44-0,12-7,69%151.327
Heliostar Metals LtdHSTR Heliostar Metals Ltd0,57-0,03-5,00%366.940
Zoomd Technologies LtdZOMD Zoomd Technologies Ltd0,790,2958,00%299.667
Fireweed Metals CorpFWZ Fireweed Metals Corp1,440,1511,63%161.045
CanAlaska Uranium LtdCVV CanAlaska Uranium Ltd0,67-0,10-12,99%293.694
Premium Resources LtdPREM Premium Resources Ltd0,475-0,005-1,04%457.684
Canada Nickel Company IncCNC Canada Nickel Company Inc0,92-0,04-4,17%233.010
Tornado Global Hydrovacs LtdTGH Tornado Global Hydrovacs Ltd1,120,021,82%201.058
First Atlantic Nickel CorpFAN First Atlantic Nickel Corp0,190,0052,70%960.741
F3 Uranium CorpFUU F3 Uranium Corp0,215-0,025-10,42%862.731
Atlas Engineered Products LtdAEP Atlas Engineered Products Ltd1,240,1311,71%180.388
Integra Resources CorpITR Integra Resources Corp1,23-0,11-8,21%159.674
Luca Mining CorpLUCA Luca Mining Corp0,53-0,01-1,85%393.002
01 Communique Laboratory IncONE 01 Communique Laboratory Inc0,2750,215358,33%634.051
Andean Precious Metals CorpAPM Andean Precious Metals Corp1,20-0,07-5,51%160.291
Mawson Gold LimitedMAW Mawson Gold Limited0,950,000,00%194.785
Goliath Resources LimitedGOT Goliath Resources Limited0,99-0,05-4,81%181.341
Hemisphere Energy CorpHME Hemisphere Energy Corp1,840,000,00%105.758
O3 Mining IncOIII O3 Mining Inc1,660,5549,55%139.455
Biorem IncBRM Biorem Inc3,120,134,35%64.180
Pender Growth Fund IncPTF Pender Growth Fund Inc10,92-0,09-0,82%16.974
NTG Clarity Networks IncNCI NTG Clarity Networks Inc1,560,3528,93%130.678
Aftermath Silver LtdAAG Aftermath Silver Ltd0,405-0,095-19,00%374.925
Hydreight Technologies IncNURS Hydreight Technologies Inc1,380,75119,05%164.079
Bitcoin Well IncBTCW Bitcoin Well Inc0,16-0,01-5,88%929.144
Minera Alamos IncMAI Minera Alamos Inc0,265-0,045-14,52%575.040
Atha Energy CorpSASK Atha Energy Corp0,56-0,09-13,85%239.739
Biosyent IncRX Biosyent Inc11,640,655,91%14.208
Metalla Royalty and Streaming LtdMTA Metalla Royalty and Streaming Ltd3,84-0,43-10,07%37.507
Coelacanth Energy IncCEI Coelacanth Energy Inc0,790,079,72%170.676
BIGG Digital Assets IncBIGG BIGG Digital Assets Inc0,19-0,005-2,56%643.338
Colonial Coal International CorpCAD Colonial Coal International Corp1,81-0,35-16,20%69.340
Blackrock Silver CorpBRC Blackrock Silver Corp0,36-0,085-19,10%324.419
Vizsla Royalties CorpVROY Vizsla Royalties Corp1,54-0,08-4,94%86.661
EV Nickel IncEVNI EV Nickel Inc0,40-0,05-11,11%274.560
Omai Gold Mines CorpOMG Omai Gold Mines Corp0,2050,03520,59%660.776
Sitka Gold CorpSIG Sitka Gold Corp0,3450,03511,29%338.545
Bedford Metals CorpBFM Bedford Metals Corp0,38-0,25-39,68%237.107
Silver47 Exploration CorpAGA Silver47 Exploration Corp0,49-0,24-32,88%197.867
Plurilock Security IncPLUR Plurilock Security Inc0,39-0,09-18,75%306.446
Goldshore Resources IncGSHR Goldshore Resources Inc0,235-0,045-16,07%462.056
Coppercorp Resources IncCPER Coppercorp Resources Inc0,230,0964,29%555.465
Tiny LtdTINY Tiny Ltd1,610,1611,03%88.301
Osisko Development CorpODV Osisko Development Corp2,500,2511,11%46.145
Nervgen Pharma CorporationNGEN Nervgen Pharma Corporation2,460,208,85%43.236
E3 Lithium LtdETL E3 Lithium Ltd0,95-0,02-2,06%106.587
Guanajuato Silver Company LtdGSVR Guanajuato Silver Company Ltd0,175-0,04-18,60%570.719
Power Metals CorpPWM Power Metals Corp0,460,0821,05%269.512
Anfield Energy IncAEC Anfield Energy Inc0,085-0,025-22,73%1.025.578
Aldebaran Resources IncALDE Aldebaran Resources Inc1,73-0,16-8,47%52.949
Tudor Gold CorpTUD Tudor Gold Corp0,63-0,19-23,17%142.507
Osisko Metals IncorporatedOM Osisko Metals Incorporated0,3250,0622,64%388.209
NG Energy International CorpGASX NG Energy International Corp1,020,1213,33%108.237
Skyharbour Resources LtdSYH Skyharbour Resources Ltd0,32-0,135-29,67%258.639