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Rankings de TSXV - Preço x Volume - 6 Meses

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391 (40%)
348 (36%)
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217 (22%)
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Preço x Volume
Código Empresa Preço Variação Variação (%) Volume Médio Chart
Hive Digital Technologies LtdHIVE Hive Digital Technologies Ltd2,55-1,41-35,61%923.085
Topicus Com IncTOI Topicus Com Inc138,704,713,52%33.471
Artemis Gold IncARTG Artemis Gold Inc16,364,6840,07%218.504
Kraken Robotics IncPNG Kraken Robotics Inc2,200,7046,67%976.943
Lumine Group IncLMN Lumine Group Inc38,702,456,76%56.357
Quantum Emotion CorpQNC Quantum Emotion Corp0,580,46383,33%2.726.985
Neptune Digital Assets CorpNDA Neptune Digital Assets Corp1,501,26512,24%1.017.385
POET Technologies IncPTK POET Technologies Inc4,971,1429,77%205.465
Encore Energy CorpEU Encore Energy Corp2,21-2,25-50,45%251.548
Westaim CorporationWED Westaim Corporation30,9327,08703,38%180.535
New Found Gold CorpNFG New Found Gold Corp2,50-0,95-27,54%342.880
Atex Resources IncATX Atex Resources Inc2,100,8669,35%463.820
Luca Mining CorpLUCA Luca Mining Corp1,100,685165,06%1.044.961
Montage Gold CorpMAU Montage Gold Corp2,360,5731,84%362.964
Zedcor IncZDC Zedcor Inc2,861,0053,76%261.398
Founders Metals IncFDR Founders Metals Inc5,192,95131,70%173.012
Snowline Gold CorpSGD Snowline Gold Corp7,552,4046,60%132.374
Alphamin Resources CorpAFM Alphamin Resources Corp0,72-0,24-25,00%604.572
Standard Lithium LtdSLI Standard Lithium Ltd1,890,2817,39%223.222
West Red Lake Gold Mines LtdWRLG West Red Lake Gold Mines Ltd0,59-0,11-15,71%830.383
Power Metallic Mines IncPNPN Power Metallic Mines Inc1,550,95158,33%485.824
Sintana Energy IncSEI Sintana Energy Inc0,64-0,36-36,00%521.963
Goliath Resources LimitedGOT Goliath Resources Limited1,770,6253,91%297.880
High Tide IncHITI High Tide Inc3,330,3210,63%111.420
Magna Mining IncNICU Magna Mining Inc1,490,6986,25%309.237
Emerita Resources CorpEMO Emerita Resources Corp1,180,5793,44%342.888
Dolly Varden Silver CorporationDV Dolly Varden Silver Corporation1,080,088,00%345.152
Blockmate Ventures IncMATE Blockmate Ventures Inc0,110,08266,67%1.571.404
Aftermath Silver LtdAAG Aftermath Silver Ltd0,560,24577,78%640.882
Reconnaissance Energy Africa LtdRECO Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd0,52-0,38-42,22%345.831
Realbotix CorpXBOT Realbotix Corp0,3550,25238,10%819.341
Q2 Metals CorpQTWO Q2 Metals Corp0,840,2542,37%329.782
Bedford Metals CorpBFM Bedford Metals Corp0,35-0,50-58,82%390.704
Simply Better Brands CorpSBBC Simply Better Brands Corp1,000,3144,93%356.106
Lithium Ionic CorpLTH Lithium Ionic Corp0,860,2438,71%363.610
Rusoro Mining LtdRML Rusoro Mining Ltd0,95-0,37-28,03%312.833
DMG Blockchain Solutions IncDMGI DMG Blockchain Solutions Inc0,28-0,17-37,78%689.152
Integra Resources CorpITR Integra Resources Corp1,560,3630,00%206.251
CanAlaska Uranium LtdCVV CanAlaska Uranium Ltd0,660,034,76%385.220
Rio2 Limited NewRIO Rio2 Limited New0,750,2241,51%392.563
Sigma Lithium CorporationSGML Sigma Lithium Corporation15,551,5511,07%14.806
Common StockTAU Common Stock0,760,045,56%381.144
NG Energy International CorpGASX NG Energy International Corp0,85-0,12-12,37%239.858
NEO Battery Materials LtdNBM NEO Battery Materials Ltd0,720,625657,89%388.327
Alset AI Ventures IncGPUS Alset AI Ventures Inc0,0650,000,00%1.697.777
Power Metals CorpPWM Power Metals Corp1,261,01394,12%337.932
Omai Gold Mines CorpOMG Omai Gold Mines Corp0,340,195134,48%847.753
Tornado Infrastructure Equipment LtdTGH Tornado Infrastructure Equipment Ltd0,980,044,26%212.040
Logan Energy CorpLGN Logan Energy Corp0,62-0,13-17,33%312.397
Heliostar Metals LtdHSTR Heliostar Metals Ltd0,920,62206,67%346.314
Blackrock Silver CorpBRC Blackrock Silver Corp0,3550,09536,54%560.046
Canada Nickel Company IncCNC Canada Nickel Company Inc1,01-0,02-1,94%229.908
Fireweed Metals CorpFWZ Fireweed Metals Corp1,660,3829,69%148.388
Hercules Metals CorpBIG Hercules Metals Corp0,720,1628,57%369.828
Goldshore Resources IncGSHR Goldshore Resources Inc0,270,0051,89%687.253
F3 Uranium CorpFUU F3 Uranium Corp0,20-0,02-9,09%838.405
American Lithium CorpLI American Lithium Corp0,43-0,04-8,51%277.027
New Stratus Energy IncNSE New Stratus Energy Inc0,37-0,065-14,94%391.953
Guanajuato Silver Company LtdGSVR Guanajuato Silver Company Ltd0,17-0,03-15,00%892.517
O3 Mining IncOIII O3 Mining Inc1,670,6767,00%146.970
American Eagle Gold CorpAE American Eagle Gold Corp0,41-0,01-2,38%303.303
Hemisphere Energy CorpHME Hemisphere Energy Corp1,720,052,99%101.900
Tudor Gold CorpTUD Tudor Gold Corp0,68-0,22-24,44%218.660
NTG Clarity Networks IncNCI NTG Clarity Networks Inc1,870,4027,21%123.085
Simply Solventless Concentrates LtdHASH Simply Solventless Concentrates Ltd0,610,1224,49%299.052
Santacruz Silver Mining LtdSCZ Santacruz Silver Mining Ltd0,480,2071,43%541.483
Orogen Royalties IncOGN Orogen Royalties Inc1,440,032,13%124.975
Sparq Systems IncSPRQ Sparq Systems Inc0,920,2639,39%192.121
Atlas Engineered Products LtdAEP Atlas Engineered Products Ltd0,90-0,35-28,00%150.368
Plurilock Security IncPLUR Plurilock Security Inc0,30-0,42-58,33%324.555
01 Communique Laboratory IncONE 01 Communique Laboratory Inc0,2950,255637,50%422.422
Sitka Gold CorpSIG Sitka Gold Corp0,3950,1454,90%434.441
Colonial Coal International CorpCAD Colonial Coal International Corp1,56-1,17-42,86%79.723
Atha Energy CorpSASK Atha Energy Corp0,355-0,145-29,00%252.021
TDG Gold CorpTDG TDG Gold Corp0,420,33366,67%370.729
Li FT Power LtdLIFT Li FT Power Ltd2,35-0,58-19,80%47.826
Midnight Sun Mining CorpMMA Midnight Sun Mining Corp0,600,2153,85%266.113
Hydreight Technologies IncNURS Hydreight Technologies Inc1,100,865368,09%97.506
Bear Creek Mining CorporationBCM Bear Creek Mining Corporation0,21-0,11-34,37%347.594
Anfield Energy IncAEC Anfield Energy Inc0,0650,0058,33%1.340.024
Biorem IncBRM Biorem Inc2,600,2812,07%47.318
Amex Exploration IncAMX Amex Exploration Inc0,89-0,23-20,54%118.925
Osisko Development CorpODV Osisko Development Corp1,90-0,81-29,89%55.477
Metalla Royalty and Streaming LtdMTA Metalla Royalty and Streaming Ltd4,00-0,01-0,25%29.273
Amarc Resources LtdAHR Amarc Resources Ltd0,410,25156,25%229.861
Zoomd Technologies LtdZOMD Zoomd Technologies Ltd0,620,13527,84%184.313
Lion One Metals LimitedLIO Lion One Metals Limited0,2850,0051,79%397.771
Minera Alamos IncMAI Minera Alamos Inc0,3450,11550,00%373.698
First Nordic Metals CorpFNM First Nordic Metals Corp0,490,1440,00%300.779
Lycos Energy IncLCX Lycos Energy Inc2,07-0,79-27,62%48.492
Lithium Chile IncLITH Lithium Chile Inc0,640,0916,36%171.029
Metavista3D IncDDD Metavista3D Inc2,802,35522,22%60.367
Mayfair Gold CorpMFG Mayfair Gold Corp1,750,052,94%63.279
Aldebaran Resources IncALDE Aldebaran Resources Inc1,850,9094,74%66.020
Apollo Silver CorpAPGO Apollo Silver Corp0,2850,05523,91%477.741
Nervgen Pharma CorporationNGEN Nervgen Pharma Corporation2,810,155,64%43.041
Decisive Dividend CorporationDE Decisive Dividend Corporation6,150,152,50%19.065
Skyharbour Resources LtdSYH Skyharbour Resources Ltd0,33-0,02-5,71%297.659
Outcrop Silver & Gold CorporationOCG Outcrop Silver & Gold Corporation0,2450,028,89%472.384
Lavras Gold CorpLGC Lavras Gold Corp2,08-0,31-12,97%48.842