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Rankings de TSXV - Maiores Quedas (%) - Hoje

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Maiores Quedas (%)
Código Empresa Preço Variação Variação (%) Volume NegóciosChart
Marksmen Energy IncMAH Marksmen Energy Inc0,005-0,005-50,00%90.0001
Running Fox Resource CorpRUN.H Running Fox Resource Corp0,005-0,005-50,00%1.0001
Pond Technologies Holdings IncPOND Pond Technologies Holdings Inc0,005-0,005-50,00%3.5003
TresOr Resources LtdTRS TresOr Resources Ltd0,06-0,035-36,84%5.0001
iMetal Resources IncIMR iMetal Resources Inc0,21-0,12-36,36%10.0003
Martello Technologies Group IncMTLO Martello Technologies Group Inc0,01-0,005-33,33%2.0002
Cosigo Resources LtdCSG.H Cosigo Resources Ltd0,06-0,03-33,33%63.0003
Avaron Mining CorpAVR Avaron Mining Corp0,085-0,04-32,00%4.0001
Purewave Hydrogen CorpPWH Purewave Hydrogen Corp0,11-0,04-26,67%14.0004
Carlton Precious IncCPI Carlton Precious Inc0,07-0,025-26,32%41.1004
Copper Road Resources IncCRD Copper Road Resources Inc0,015-0,005-25,00%2.0001
Ecolomondo Corporation IncECM Ecolomondo Corporation Inc0,12-0,04-25,00%65.5008
Generation Uranium IncGEN Generation Uranium Inc0,045-0,015-25,00%1.0001
Hank Payments CorpHANK Hank Payments Corp0,03-0,01-25,00%56.0002
Tearlach Resources LimitedTEA Tearlach Resources Limited0,015-0,005-25,00%66.0002
Romios Gold Resources IncRG Romios Gold Resources Inc0,015-0,005-25,00%130.5005
Genesis Acquisition CorpREBL.P Genesis Acquisition Corp0,015-0,005-25,00%5.0002
Diamcor Mining IncDMI Diamcor Mining Inc0,015-0,005-25,00%1.0001
Big Tree Carbon IncBIGT Big Tree Carbon Inc0,015-0,005-25,00%22.0001
Goldgroup Mining IncGGA Goldgroup Mining Inc0,385-0,11-22,22%250.87092
Plato Gold CorpPGC Plato Gold Corp0,02-0,005-20,00%17.0001
Transition Metals CorpXTM Transition Metals Corp0,04-0,01-20,00%34.7783
New Tymbal Resources LtdNTB New Tymbal Resources Ltd0,02-0,005-20,00%40.0002
Canada One Mining CorpCONE Canada One Mining Corp0,02-0,005-20,00%1.0012
Global Energy Metals CorpGEMC Global Energy Metals Corp0,02-0,005-20,00%46.0007
Carlin Gold CorporationCGD Carlin Gold Corporation0,165-0,04-19,51%4.0002
Legacy Gold Mines LtdLEGY Legacy Gold Mines Ltd0,415-0,085-17,00%4.0002
Reklaim LtdMYID Reklaim Ltd0,075-0,015-16,67%175.17916
Rocky Mountain Liquor IncRUM Rocky Mountain Liquor Inc0,075-0,015-16,67%20.0006
Spectra7 Microsystems IncSEV Spectra7 Microsystems Inc0,025-0,005-16,67%68.0004
Volcanic Gold Mines IncVG Volcanic Gold Mines Inc0,105-0,02-16,00%44.00011
DavidsTea IncDTEA DavidsTea Inc0,69-0,13-15,85%5.71610
Ameritrust Financial Technologies IncAMT Ameritrust Financial Technologies Inc0,055-0,01-15,38%861.50024
Stardust Solar Energy IncSUN Stardust Solar Energy Inc0,14-0,025-15,15%157.50019
Chakana Copper CorpPERU Chakana Copper Corp0,085-0,015-15,00%34.5004
Silver Valley Metals CorpSILV Silver Valley Metals Corp0,03-0,005-14,29%1.1502
Fountain Asset CorpFA Fountain Asset Corp0,03-0,005-14,29%30.0001
Gabo Mining LtdGAB Gabo Mining Ltd0,06-0,01-14,29%6.2955
VR Resources LtdVRR VR Resources Ltd0,03-0,005-14,29%2.0001
Harvest Gold CorpHVG Harvest Gold Corp0,03-0,005-14,29%1.4002
Hayasa Metals IncHAY Hayasa Metals Inc0,065-0,01-13,33%237.00020
Chatham Rock Phosphate LimitedNZP Chatham Rock Phosphate Limited0,065-0,01-13,33%44.0002
Magnetic North Aquisition CorpMNC Magnetic North Aquisition Corp0,065-0,01-13,33%50.0007
Thiogenesis Therapeutics CorpTTI Thiogenesis Therapeutics Corp0,53-0,08-13,11%43.00011
Sendero Resources CorpSEND Sendero Resources Corp0,31-0,045-12,68%27.4937
Prospera Energy IncPEI Prospera Energy Inc0,035-0,005-12,50%775.39631
Sato Technologies CorpSATO Sato Technologies Corp0,14-0,02-12,50%64.41021
Pinnacle Silver and Gold CorpPINN Pinnacle Silver and Gold Corp0,035-0,005-12,50%1.0001
Troubadour Resources IncTR Troubadour Resources Inc0,035-0,005-12,50%192.0002
Euro Manganese IncEMN Euro Manganese Inc0,035-0,005-12,50%73.0004
P2 Gold IncPGLD P2 Gold Inc0,07-0,01-12,50%53.94610
Canadian Critical Minerals IncCCMI Canadian Critical Minerals Inc0,035-0,005-12,50%2.0001
Africa Energy CorpAFE Africa Energy Corp0,035-0,005-12,50%6.0002
Ventripoint Diagnostics LtdVPT Ventripoint Diagnostics Ltd0,15-0,02-11,76%246.39561
Cleantek Industries IncCTEK Cleantek Industries Inc0,45-0,06-11,76%36.5005
Recylico Battery Materials IncAMY Recylico Battery Materials Inc0,04-0,005-11,11%53.1504
GGL Resources CorpGGL GGL Resources Corp0,04-0,005-11,11%45.2365
Innovotech IncIOT Innovotech Inc0,12-0,015-11,11%50.0005
Usha Resources LtdUSHA Usha Resources Ltd0,04-0,005-11,11%426.0004
BTU Metals CorpBTU BTU Metals Corp0,04-0,005-11,11%12.0001
Kwesst Micro Systems IncKWE Kwesst Micro Systems Inc0,58-0,07-10,77%1.1003
Unigold IncUGD Unigold Inc0,085-0,01-10,53%11.0005
Rakovina Therapeutics IncRKV Rakovina Therapeutics Inc0,13-0,015-10,34%73.59043
Lara Exploration LtdLRA Lara Exploration Ltd1,15-0,13-10,16%20.32112
Canstar Resources IncROX Canstar Resources Inc0,045-0,005-10,00%1.0001
Great Atlantic Resources CorpGR Great Atlantic Resources Corp0,045-0,005-10,00%5.0001
Gensource Potash CorporationGSP Gensource Potash Corporation0,09-0,01-10,00%39.1459
Silver North Resources LtdSNAG Silver North Resources Ltd0,095-0,01-9,52%16.0001
Northfield Capital CorporationNFD.A Northfield Capital Corporation4,53-0,47-9,40%1312
Precipitate Gold CorpPRG Precipitate Gold Corp0,10-0,01-9,09%32.5004
US Copper CorpUSCU US Copper Corp0,05-0,005-9,09%1.0001
Torrent Capital LtdTORR Torrent Capital Ltd0,50-0,05-9,09%35.4009
Alliance Mining CorpALM Alliance Mining Corp0,20-0,02-9,09%20.0002
Bold Ventures IncBOL Bold Ventures Inc0,05-0,005-9,09%3.4632
Vortex Metals IncVMS Vortex Metals Inc0,05-0,005-9,09%103.00010
KIDOZ INCKIDZ KIDOZ INC0,255-0,025-8,93%10.5002
Resaas Services IncRSS Resaas Services Inc0,31-0,03-8,82%1.4002
C3 Metals IncCCCM C3 Metals Inc0,52-0,05-8,77%1.6002
Mercanto Holdings IncMUSH Mercanto Holdings Inc0,055-0,005-8,33%12.0002
Tuktu Resources LtdTUK Tuktu Resources Ltd0,11-0,01-8,33%196.06312
Petrolympic LtdPCQ Petrolympic Ltd0,055-0,005-8,33%1.0001
Pelangio Exploration IncPX Pelangio Exploration Inc0,055-0,005-8,33%50.0007
Max Resource CorpMAX Max Resource Corp0,055-0,005-8,33%17.0002
Masivo Silver CorpMASS Masivo Silver Corp0,055-0,005-8,33%4.0001
Onyx Gold CorpONYX Onyx Gold Corp0,275-0,025-8,33%9.1918
Charbone Hydrogen CorporationCH Charbone Hydrogen Corporation0,055-0,005-8,33%34.0009
Volatus Aerospace IncFLT Volatus Aerospace Inc0,165-0,015-8,33%624.94492
Northern Graphite CorpNGC Northern Graphite Corp0,11-0,01-8,33%76.18522
Thunder Gold CorpTGOL Thunder Gold Corp0,055-0,005-8,33%382.00019
Xortx Therapeutics IncXRTX Xortx Therapeutics Inc1,26-0,11-8,03%9.93334
AUQ Gold Mining IncAUQ AUQ Gold Mining Inc0,23-0,02-8,00%23.5004
Rock Tech Lithium IncRCK Rock Tech Lithium Inc1,05-0,09-7,89%24.33615
Silver Bullet Mines CorpSBMI Silver Bullet Mines Corp0,175-0,015-7,89%28.30010
Liberty Defense Holdiings LTDSCAN Liberty Defense Holdiings LTD1,41-0,12-7,84%44.084125
Gladiator Metals CorpGLAD Gladiator Metals Corp0,415-0,035-7,78%65.60014
Pegasus Resources IncPEGA Pegasus Resources Inc0,06-0,005-7,69%20.70612
Encanto Potash CorpEPO.H Encanto Potash Corp0,06-0,005-7,69%56.50020
Themac Resources Group LtdMAC Themac Resources Group Ltd0,12-0,01-7,69%5.5002
Jackpot Digital IncJJ Jackpot Digital Inc0,06-0,005-7,69%100.0004
MCF Energy LtdMCF MCF Energy Ltd0,06-0,005-7,69%134.0005