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Rankings de EU - Baixas - 6 Meses

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Código Empresa Preço Variação Variação (%) Volume Médio Chart
AEX X4 everage Net Return IndexAEX4L AEX X4 everage Net Return Index303.422,80-29.346,39-8,82%0
AEX X5 Leverage Net Return IndexAEX5L AEX X5 Leverage Net Return Index167.108,25-25.697,63-13,33%0
AEX X7 Leverage Net Return IndexAEX7L AEX X7 Leverage Net Return Index74.553,80-23.426,87-23,91%0
AEX X10 Leverage NRALE10 AEX X10 Leverage NR27.741,07-20.041,49-41,94%0
AEX X3 LeverageAEX3L AEX X3 Leverage306.733,77-16.036,17-4,97%0
Financiere Moncey SAFMONC Financiere Moncey SA151,28-7.798,72-98,10%1.075
Cambodge NOMCBDG Cambodge NOM124,10-6.875,90-98,23%402
CAC 40 X 12 Shares Gross ReturnCA12S CAC 40 X 12 Shares Gross Return2.702,25-6.414,01-70,36%0
Euronext Crypto Real Time MakerERMKR Euronext Crypto Real Time Maker1.137,82-1.631,42-58,91%0
Netherlands AEX X12 Leverage TRNA12LE Netherlands AEX X12 Leverage TRN1.385,56-1.629,40-54,04%0
CAC 40 X15 Leverage NRCLE15 CAC 40 X15 Leverage NR1.708,03-1.177,48-40,81%0
PSI UtilitiesPTUT PSI Utilities2.983,75-1.094,04-26,83%0
BEL Mid GRBELMG BEL Mid GR11.378,57-1.027,44-8,28%0
PSI 20 X3 Leverage Net ReturnPS3LN PSI 20 X3 Leverage Net Return7.368,19-926,00-11,16%0
BEL Mid NRBELMC BEL Mid NR9.740,33-910,16-8,55%0
CAC Small Gross Return IndexCACSR CAC Small Gross Return Index19.051,96-890,98-4,47%0
CAC Small Net Return IndexCACSN CAC Small Net Return Index16.629,30-788,95-4,53%0
Netherlands AEX X15 Short TRGAE15S Netherlands AEX X15 Short TRG484,20-668,41-57,99%0
AEX Technology Gross ReturnNLTCG AEX Technology Gross Return13.046,93-660,19-4,82%0
PSI 20 ex Banks GRPTEBG PSI 20 ex Banks GR7.283,05-632,00-7,98%0
Bel MidBELM Bel Mid6.075,12-621,55-9,28%0
PSI 20 ex Banks NRPTEBN PSI 20 ex Banks NR6.882,70-612,13-8,17%0
AEX TechnologyNLTEC AEX Technology10.543,20-557,59-5,02%0
PSI 20 ex BanksPTEB PSI 20 ex Banks5.798,74-553,52-8,71%0
CAC Small IndexCACS CAC Small Index10.962,06-542,39-4,71%0
CAC Mid and Small Gross ReturnCMSG CAC Mid and Small Gross Return26.811,33-491,00-1,80%0
CAC Mid 60 Gross Return IndexCACMR CAC Mid 60 Gross Return Index28.231,02-435,45-1,52%0
Belgium TechnologyBETEC Belgium Technology1.780,44-427,96-19,38%0
CAC Mid and Small Net ReturnCMSN CAC Mid and Small Net Return22.630,97-422,61-1,83%0
Euronext US Technology GRUTECG Euronext US Technology GR22.211,05-416,36-1,84%0
Euronext US Technology NRUTECN Euronext US Technology NR21.023,58-396,65-1,85%0
CAC 40 X15 Short GRCSH15 CAC 40 X15 Short GR80,03-386,36-82,84%0
PSI Geral TR IndexBVLGR PSI Geral TR Index4.168,14-385,67-8,47%0
PSI Energy GRPTOG PSI Energy GR2.192,31-375,50-14,62%0
CAC Mid 60 Net Return IndexCACMN CAC Mid 60 Net Return Index23.683,49-372,99-1,55%0
PSI 20 TRPSITR PSI 20 TR19.469,55-369,12-1,86%0
Euronext US Technology PRUTEC Euronext US Technology PR18.480,33-353,89-1,88%0
PSI UtilitiesPTUTP PSI Utilities940,26-346,97-26,95%0
BEL TechnologyBETP BEL Technology1.284,51-321,80-20,03%0
PSI 20 Net Return IndexPSINR PSI 20 Net Return Index15.312,34-315,35-2,02%0
AEX X15 Leverage NRALE15 AEX X15 Leverage NR132,78-315,15-70,36%0
Lyxor CAC Mid 60 UCITS ETF Dist ETF PricesCAMID Lyxor CAC Mid 60 UCITS ETF Dist ETF Prices7.287,84-303,87-4,00%0
BEL Consumer Staples NRBECS BEL Consumer Staples NR3.773,36-272,68-6,74%0
CAC Mid and Small IndexCACMS CAC Mid and Small Index13.337,98-271,36-1,99%0
PSI EnergyPTOGP PSI Energy1.378,40-259,78-15,86%0
CAC Mid 60 IndexCACMD CAC Mid 60 Index13.695,31-238,07-1,71%0
AEX Consumer Staples GRNLCSG AEX Consumer Staples GR4.855,87-234,15-4,60%0
BEL Energy NRBEOG BEL Energy NR2.527,61-222,00-8,07%0
BEL Consumer StaplesBECSP BEL Consumer Staples2.699,35-205,62-7,08%0
AEX Total Return LeverageAEXTL AEX Total Return Leverage10.668,99-190,16-1,75%0
ASML Holding NVASML ASML Holding NV722,70-172,30-19,25%732.401
AEX Consumer StaplesNLCS AEX Consumer Staples2.898,03-172,10-5,61%0
BEL EnergyBEOGP BEL Energy1.548,05-171,11-9,95%0
AEX Leverage Net Return IndexAEXNL AEX Leverage Net Return Index8.885,24-168,71-1,86%0
PSI 20PSI20 PSI 206.524,29-166,52-2,49%0
Euronext Eurozone Consumer Staples GRCSTAG Euronext Eurozone Consumer Staples GR2.502,26-159,94-6,01%0
CAC 40 X10 Leverage Net Return IndexCA10L CAC 40 X10 Leverage Net Return Index1.811,87-155,70-7,91%0
Reit Europe GRREITG Reit Europe GR3.180,35-152,42-4,57%0
PSI 20 Total Return LeveragePSITL PSI 20 Total Return Leverage2.327,80-150,66-6,08%0
Euronext Eurozone Consumer Staples NRCSTAN Euronext Eurozone Consumer Staples NR2.311,13-148,90-6,05%0
AMX GRAMXGR AMX GR2.981,92-145,42-4,65%0
PSI All ShareBVL PSI All Share1.474,01-144,18-8,91%0
CAC 40 X5 Short Index GRCAC5S CAC 40 X5 Short Index GR368,31-139,00-27,40%0
CAC Energy NRFROGN CAC Energy NR2.177,24-137,07-5,92%0
Teit Europe NRREITN Teit Europe NR2.738,66-136,59-4,75%0
AEX Telecommunications Gross ReturnNLTLG AEX Telecommunications Gross Return3.396,20-135,22-3,83%0
Bel Small ReturnBELSC Bel Small Return13.248,82-131,06-0,98%0
BEL Small Gross Return IndexBELSG BEL Small Gross Return Index15.233,70-129,43-0,84%0
AMX Net Return IndexAMXNR AMX Net Return Index2.563,09-126,18-4,69%0
Italia Leverage 7 ShortITX7S Italia Leverage 7 Short100,67-123,50-55,09%0
PSI 20 X3 LeveragePSI3L PSI 20 X3 Leverage857,12-121,91-12,45%0
Euronext Eurozone Consumer Staples PRCSTA Euronext Eurozone Consumer Staples PR1.714,07-115,79-6,33%0
Euronext CA Index 3CAIN3 Euronext CA Index 30,01-114,36-99,99%0
Euronext USA Real Estate Total Market GREUREG Euronext USA Real Estate Total Market GR3.958,22-113,93-2,80%0
Bel SmallBELS Bel Small8.608,64-113,29-1,30%0
National Bank of BelgiumBNB National Bank of Belgium326,00-113,00-25,74%121
AEX X6 Leverage Net Return IndexAEX6L AEX X6 Leverage Net Return Index495,55-111,71-18,40%0
Euronext CA IndexCAIND Euronext CA Index0,01-108,68-99,99%0
Euronext Eurozone Basic Materials GRBASMG Euronext Eurozone Basic Materials GR2.754,99-105,82-3,70%0
Euronext USA Real Estate Total Market NREUREN Euronext USA Real Estate Total Market NR3.380,03-104,14-2,99%0
Euronext Eurozone Basic Materials NRBASMN Euronext Eurozone Basic Materials NR2.476,31-98,05-3,81%0
AEX LeverageAEXLV AEX Leverage2.454,09-95,05-3,73%0
CAC EnergyFROG CAC Energy1.026,28-87,46-7,85%0
Euronext Transatlantic Basic Materials GRTBMAG Euronext Transatlantic Basic Materials GR3.507,86-86,67-2,41%0
ASM International NVASM ASM International NV567,00-86,60-13,25%141.723
Euronext USA Real Estate Total MarketEUREP Euronext USA Real Estate Total Market2.337,96-83,13-3,43%0
Euronext Transatlantic Basic Materials NRTBMAN Euronext Transatlantic Basic Materials NR3.229,69-82,23-2,48%0
BEL Real Estate NRBEREN BEL Real Estate NR824,22-81,43-8,99%0
Belgium TelecommunicationsBETEL Belgium Telecommunications703,16-81,29-10,36%0
CAC Technology Net ReturnFRTCN CAC Technology Net Return1.954,78-80,92-3,98%0
Societe LDC SALOUP Societe LDC SA64,80-80,70-55,46%2.324
Euronext Eurozone Basic Materials PRBASM Euronext Eurozone Basic Materials PR1.804,57-76,56-4,07%0
BEL Real EstateBERE BEL Real Estate702,26-73,83-9,51%0
Moury Construct SAMOUR Moury Construct SA444,00-71,00-13,79%95
Euronext PAB Transatlantic 40 Decrement 50 PointsPT450 Euronext PAB Transatlantic 40 Decrement 50 Points943,22-69,47-6,86%0
Bel Basic MaterialsBEBM Bel Basic Materials1.691,09-69,44-3,94%0
Netherlands AEX X10 Short TRGAE10S Netherlands AEX X10 Short TRG162,64-69,10-29,82%0
Reit EuropeREITE Reit Europe1.130,41-68,33-5,70%0
CAC TechnologyFRTEC CAC Technology1.577,81-67,33-4,09%0
Euronext US Consumer Staples GRUCSTG Euronext US Consumer Staples GR5.447,74-64,92-1,18%0